“Philip, 16, take their own aircraft to the school,”
“Some take the bus, take the train – but Philip Hoffman, 16, is probably one of the few who can take the flight path to the school, write the Blekinge Läns Tidning. “
“– Thanks to that I have this certificate, I have the opportunity to fly, ” he says to Aftonbladet. “
“the 16-year-old Philip hoffman’s big flygintresse started in 4-5-year-olds with the paper airplane. This was followed by flygplansspel on the computer and the radio-controlled modellflyg that he built up himself.”
“– It was about then that I heard that you could take a pilot’s license at an early age.”
“As a 14-year-old began the Filip fly the glider with the teachers. When he was 15 he flew himself, and last summer, when he reached the age of 16, he reached his goal. He took the certificate for gliding. Since then, he has had time to fly his family, writes BLT, which drew the attention of Philip the first.”
“Flygintresset has also led him to an aeronautical school in Ronneby, 40 miles from Brålanda, outside of Vänersborg, where he lives. “
“– There are only 4-5 programs to choose from, the in Ronneby was the best, I thought.”
“as soon As it gets our he is planning to fly between home and school as much as possible before the summer holidays. The route takes about 2.5 hour by motorsegelflygplan.”
“– Thanks to that I have this certificate, I have the opportunity to fly.”
“however, He has had time to try to fly that route already, along with another pilot in an old fighter. Then took the route to just 30 minutes.”
“– It is the only special flight I have done down here so far.”
“Dreaming of to fly the Gripen.”
“Both peers and adults are impressed by Philip’s interest.”
“– Peers think it’s cool and fun. Adults ask first if you do so here, and if you get to fly in this age. They think it is fun that you can take so much responsibility when you are this young. They are usually a little shocked.”
“In the future is his highest dream is to fly a gripen aircraft.”
“– But as long as I get to fly and can work as a pilot, so it doesn’t matter where I fly. I am still happy.”
“he has an advice to those who dream of a life in the air.”
“– now If you are interested in to start to fly, so I recommend looking up their local club and contact the, for many, those where the test-flights.”