Defense Minister Boris Pistorius sees good arguments for general compulsory military service in Germany to strengthen civil protection, the German armed forces and rescue services. In order to form a political opinion on this issue, however, the voices of younger people must be heard, said the SPD politician to the German Press Agency in Berlin. “I expressly did not speak out in favor of the reactivation of conscription,” he emphasized. Rather, he considers the discussion about a general obligation to serve “valuable”.

Compulsory military service was suspended in 2011 after 55 years under the then CSU Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, which in practice was tantamount to abolishing military and civilian service. The Russian attack on Ukraine had recently repeatedly triggered a debate on this issue.

As a 62-year-old, he was reluctant to “burden a generation that already has a difficult future ahead of it, now just such a general obligation to serve,” said Pistorius. “What would speak for it from my point of view? In recent months, the impression has arisen that some do not have the necessary appreciation for the fire brigade and the Red Cross, the police and the armed forces. Compulsory service could help bring people and government organizations a little closer together,” he said. “It could show how important these facilities are for the functioning of our society.”

The Young Liberals have sharply criticized Defense Minister Boris Pistorius for the move. “I don’t even know what upsets me more: that Mr. Pistorius puts the entire young generation under general suspicion of not standing behind our fire brigade and police or that he seems to see himself as a politician responsible for giving young people a general duty as a Impose educational measures,” said Federal Chairwoman Franziska Bergmann to the editorial network Germany (RND). “The freedom of young people is precious and not a property of the state.”