The first work on a airport near the world-famous Peruvian inca city of Machu Picchu encounter a lot of opposition. The highlight of the legendary inca civilization is fragile and would by the planes can be seriously damaged. Archaeologists, historians, and the locals are furious.

The well-known tourist destination, which annually attracts hundreds thousands of visitors, it is currently difficult to achieve because the rural road network is not well connected to the city. The new airport must be an end to the travel disruption of visitors and is financially attractive for the country.

also Read Three European tourists from the Inca city of Machu Picchu sent to bare buttocks

While the first bulldozers in the vicinity of Machu Picchu started to be the suitable land for the construction of the large airport, requirements, critics of the plan shall be deleted or a new location for the airport. Sounds all kinds of criticism: the low-flying aircraft will cause a lot of damage, there will be more pollution and noise and the potential increase in the number of visitors will also take its toll on the vulnerable Machu Picchu.

The Peruvian government wants the construction of the airport around 2023 to complete. They understand the objections of critics. Carlos Oliva, the finance minister of Peru, said earlier that there was a series of technical investigations that the construction of the airport to support, and that there as soon as possible. Or that after all the criticism will succeed, however, is the question.