After the liberation of three women from a house in northern Baden-Württemberg, the police and public prosecutor’s investigations continue. According to the information, no other possible victims had reported by Saturday afternoon.

The Mosbach public prosecutor suspects a 37-year-old of having held and raped a woman for several days. The 26-year-old finally managed to call an acquaintance who alerted the police. The young woman is said to have told her acquaintance that she was being held against her will and feared for her life.

When police officers searched the house in Walldürn on October 19, they reportedly found two other women. It was initially unclear how long they had been there. Two of them had been trapped “for a very long time,” said a spokesman for the Mosbach public prosecutor’s office for the Funke media group, according to information on Friday. He spoke of “several weeks”.

For tactical reasons, the public prosecutor’s office did not want to provide any further information, including the condition of the women.

The case became known on Thursday. The investigators accuse the 37-year-old German of taking hostages in combination with particularly serious rape and dangerous bodily harm. He went to a psychiatric hospital. His 23-year-old brother is considered a helper and is in custody.

Walldürn’s Mayor Markus Günther (CDU) was “horrified” on Friday. The property where the crime happened is currently empty, said Günther. But he doesn’t know any more about it. One of the suspects is said to have lived in the house.