Thousands of danes gather every year on the traditional sankthansbål to celebrate midsummer.

It’s also going to happen in the year 23. June, but with coronavirussets presence in the country, not everything is as it usually is, and the danes must comply with a number of restrictions in order to avoid contamination.

the Danes are, however, allowed according to the rules gather up to 500 persons, if the significant majority are sitting down, as it says in the guidelines.

But it will be very difficult for the organizers to manage it, says the National this centre by the national Police.

Therefore calls for citizens under all circumstances, gather less than 50 persons. It tells John Jensen, vicepolitiinspektør by Rigspolitiets national this centre.

– the Concern is that you think you must be 500, when just anyone sitting down.

– This is why we cut it, and says, you must be aware that although many of the sit down, the rule applies on a maximum of 50 persons, still, he says.

The current coronarestriktioner means that it is forbidden to organise or participate in events, events, activities or similar, where there are more than 50 persons present at the same time.

Sitting in the significant majority down, must as mentioned be up to 500.

the Ban does not apply in private homes and gardens. Here do up to 500 also gather.

Police calls not to drop sankthansbålet, stresses John Jensen. And sits the majority of guests down, it is allowed to gather up to 500.

John Jensen calls for the organizers to avoid such a large attendance.

– We encourage you to hold midsummer in a slightly different way than other years. Usually invites homeowners and others to the collection, and then meets you just up and suddenly you were over 50. And you are standing closer than we had reckoned with, ” says John Jensen.

– It is why we most go with it, which is called the maximum 50 persons. The other is so hard to control. There you must be a tough organizer to manage it, he says.

It does not require a permit from the police to hold a sankthansarrangement.