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over the past few weeks, Extra Magazine received several tips from readers, to have seen the drivers who, while they sit behind the wheel of a running car, while sitting and sucking nitrous oxide.

It can be from a balloon or a blue container.

Readers are expressing in the same breath of insecurity, that the drivers sits and sucks out to win and quirky, while they are moving around in traffic.

At the Copenhagen Police are aware of the problems.

– We are aware of the problem. We see it among other things, that we find both the small and the large ampoules at traffic lights, says Rasmus Agerskov Schultz, vicepolitiinspektør, community policing in Copenhagen.

On the basis of this, the police did not assess whether the intake of nitrous oxide takes place only while driving in traffic.

– There is also the possibility that you have used it elsewhere, and then throw the containers out, when you are in the intersection, he adds. But, when you throw them out of the traffic light, so that indicates it is, of course, that you consume the gas, while driving a car. It is of course something we look at with seriousness, says Rasmus Agerskov Schultz.

It is the police’s assessment that the intake of nitrous oxide have evolved into a fad among young people:

– It has been increasing, and it is something we look on with concern, says Rasmus Agerskov Schultz, who therefore is pleased that there are now legislation that prohibits the sale of gas in great quantities, and at the same time can no longer be sold to minors.

In connection with the check in kiosks, the police have registered an increase where it has filled more and more on the shelves

the Kiosk-the battle is also something the new legislation takes that into account. For it may no longer be lange’s over-the-counter, if you also sell alcohol and tobacco.

Lattergras-the issue will on the whole continue to be in police focus:

– We will continue with inspections in kiosks, says Rasmus Agerskov Schultz.

Facts about nitrous oxide

The chemical name for laughing gas is nitrous oxide and chemical formula is N2O, the state board of Health.

The nitrous oxide, used as an intoxicant, comes from gas. They are produced for industrial use and is used, for example, to flødeskumssiffoner. Lattergassen is different from the nitrous oxide, which is a drug, and as we know from, among others, the dentist and the midwife.

Where nitrous oxide which drug will usually be mixed with oxygen, contains gaspatronerne, which is targeted for industrial applications, pure gas that is not mixed with oxygen. Inhalation of the gas directly from the gas can therefore have serious health consequences.

Nitrous oxide from the gas cartridges are typically abused by the fact that it can be inhaled directly from the gaspatronerne or from a balloon that you have filled with the gas from the cartridges.

Nitrous oxide provides a high that can remind you to be full of alcohol. It works inhibitory on the central nervous system, so you become dizzy, get unsafe movements become elated and vrøvlende.

the Intoxication is relatively short, often 1-2 minutes, which can get some to repeat the inhaleringen, in order to achieve longer-rus.

the Abuse of nitrous oxide can cause damage to the brain and nervous system, as, for example, sensory disturbances, coordination and balance problems, and nerve damage.

in Addition, the risk of psychosis and depression in the context of lattergasmisbrug.