the Danish people’s transportordfører, Kim Christiansen, depress the accelerator all the way down on Facebook.

In a heated comment of the journalist Anna Thygesens profile writes Kim Christiansen, that people are missing content in their ‘røvkedelige life’.

‘shut up, where have all the copycats to put yourselves in the matter. I wonder if just missing a little content in your røvkedelige life ….’, writes Kim Christiansen in the commentary, which, according to the Ekstra information has since been deleted.

the Background for the pompous comment is that the well-known trafikpolitiker recent weeks has come under increasingly intense fire after news that he has been to build a 377 million. crowns animals bypass to Mariager, where Christiansen is both selected and has a bodega for sale.

The last few days have TV2 with a keen camera, however, shown that the heavy traffic through the Mariager is severely limited.

It is the story that Anna Thygesen has shared on his Facebook profile, which then has scored Christiansen up in the red field.

In an interview with TV2 Kim Christiansen refused to change its position to the expensive bypass.

‘It will not get me to change my decision, because TV2 has wasted a day on the town square in Mariager, where else they could have done something sensible journalism,’ he has said to TV2.

Extra Magazine trying to get a comment from Kim Christiansen.