There is a need for a thorough investigation of what happened in the time up to the decommissioning of Denmark 11. march.

that is How it sounds from a number of politicians, according to Ekstra Bladet on Monday may provide an email, as the Health director, Søren Brostrøm, sent to the ministry of Health 10 days prior to the closure.

In the mail, he warns that a comprehensive decommissioning can do more harm than good.

Community – 25. may. 2020 – pm. 16:59 Mail reveals: Brostrøm warned about the harmful consequences to shut down Denmark

– It is surprising to see the mail, says The People sundhedsordfører, Stinus Lindgreen.

– It stresses even once the need for an independent review of the process, so that we can learn from our experiences. And so, it shows once again, why we so long have asked for more transparency, he says and elaborates:

what is the reason for the decision? It is important for us to know – both as contacts and as Parliament. We can’t fit our work, when it is played with closed cards on the way. It does no good.

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Stinus Lindgreen (R) is surprised to see Soren Brostrøms warning-mail. Photo: Ida Guldbaek Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

Stinus Lindgreen calls at the same time an evaluation of what worked and did not work:

– We can see that the government’s handling has worked for smittetrykket is decreased, and the epidemic is under control. It is not for discussion. But what actions worked well? We must learn from. I have always had the greatest respect for Søren Brostrøm, so it makes as big an impression, when one of our foremost experts say, as he does, he says.

Community – 25. may. 2020 – pm. 19:10; Left: Brostrøms mail confirming our suspicions

the Left has indicated that the prime minister Mette Frederiksen will be called in consultation in the case. It happened as a direct reaction to the Jyllands-Posten last week, reveal that the Board did not recommended a comprehensive shutdown of Denmark.

the Mail from Søren Brostrøm only confirms the party that the prime minister must lay its cards on the table, explains the party’s sundhedsordfører, Martin Geertsen.

Also from the Danish people’s Party arouses Brostrøms mail a stir:

At the party, and you will also have examined the coronaforløbet in Denmark. The party’s sundhedsordfører, Peder Hvelplund, stressing that the party supports Mette Frederiksen’s comprehensive decommissioning – even if it is not done by professional recommendation:

– We believe that it was the right solution and has proved to be it. But it is clear that if it is not conducted at the authorities ‘ recommendation, then you must say it. There has been no mess in communication, and therefore we think also, it is obvious that we get a comprehensive analysis of the entire process, says Peder Hvelplund.

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Kirsten Normann Andersen believes that there is a need for a thorough study of the whole course. Photo: Philip Davali

SF’s sundhedsordfører Kirsten Normann Andersen beats also real SF hills up on the government shutdown. She also believes that there is a need for an evaluation of the process.

– I am very much in favour of openness, and we are also very concerned that we learn something of it here, ” she says, and points at the same time, from the public health side came a great many different reports in the week leading up to the shutdown, like happened a lot, from Brostrøm sent his mail 1. march, to Denmark was closed down.

– 1. march was just different than 11. march. There happened really a lot in those days, also in the reports from the various boards, says Kirsten Normann Andersen, which also indicates that there is a need to evaluate the problems with testkapacitet and the stock of protective equipment in the beginning.

Community – 25. may. 2020 – pm. 19:10; Left: Brostrøms mail confirming our suspicions

Henrik Dahl, sundhedsordfører of the Liberal Alliance, believes that Brostrøms mail most of all, it shows that the Danish health authorities recalls the Swedish with Anders Tegnell at the forefront.

– It confirms the suspicion that the Danish Health and medicines authority/Statens Serum Institut has been dominated by tegnellianere. It is a God’s happiness, to the WHO and the ECDC appears to have formed a counterweight to the tegnellianismen. It has saved Denmark for many died, many survivors with lasting but and a seriously challenged public health, says in a text message to Ekstra Bladet.

Henrik Dahl welcomes the fact that we in Denmark have closed down in the comprehensive degree.

– Tegnellianismen was and is a completely irresponsible idea to run big risks with a totally unknown disease. Luckily we came in time into the european mainline. And fortunately also on the WHO’s testanbefalinger. At long last.