Soon it may be over to send balloons up in the air, if you live in the uk region Lancashire.

The local city councils around the region have certainly been asked to consider a ban on sending balloons and lanterns up in the air.

It writes the local media the Lancashire Post.

the Recommendation to prohibit balloons is a part of a series, as a working group of amtrådsmedlemmer has come up with, in connection with that they have examined different ways to reduce the use of engangsplastik in the region.

the Chairman of the working group, Gina Dowding, says that it will be easy to implement the law, since it does not require any municipal statutes.

– If there were events where the people gathered and dumped a lot of plastic in a place, there would be an uproar about it, ” she says, according to the Lancashire Post, and adds:

– But because the balloons fly up in the air, before coming down again, we do not see the immediate consequence. However, the consequences are very significant.

the Proposal has immediately been welcomed in the region undersøgelseskomite. Nevertheless, this proposal has not been official policy, as some of the other suggestions that have been made.

At the town hall have already been removed plastikkopper and replaced them with glass, like soft drinks in plastic bottles replaced by cans. However, it has proven to be difficult to remove the use of water in plastic bottles. The cafe at the town hall sells for about 5500 of them a year – even though you have invited staff to bring their own refillable bottles.

For Gina Dowding, the mission is not to stop intimate events, she says to the Lancashire Post.

– We do not want to prohibit the parties, or other celebrations, but we can not allow (something, red.), that causes so much destruction.