This past year, there have been speed over the field of the known TV2-host Peter Ingemann, who has travelled the world in the context of the programme ’the Greatest’.

The first four months of 2019, will Peter Ingemann therefore pulling the plug and not make more tv, as he holds a leave of absence from her job at TV2.

he says to Billed-Bladet.

– I have a great job, but it is also hard. Since the summer is I every fourteenth day gone out in the world to make ’the Greatest’, says Peter Maurer to the magazine.

For Extra Magazine explains Peter Maurer, who right now is in Jerusalem, where he kept christmas with his family, why he now has chosen to take a leave of absence for the second time within a year’s time.

– I think it is well deserved, I pull the plug in the a period of time. The last time I did it, it was because I had a lot on the ears, and I had to take care of myself and have air. This time it is purely developmental. I need to try something else – a new kind of air, ” says the tv host.

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Peter Ingemann draws in a period plug. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

Peter Ingemann has, among other things lectures and a new book in the sleeve, while he keep leave.

– I need to keep a number of lectures on the ‘Greatest’ around Denmark. In addition, I must be the guide for Nilles bus tours of historic tours around Berlin, and so I should write a book. The book becomes a ‘Ingenmanns country’ part two. The last book acted very much about what I had been through. The new book continues in the track about myself, but more with a focus on the career. So I get busy, but with a lot more than tv, says Maurer.

The seasoned TV2-host stresses, however, that he did not take leave because he is tired of making television. Are you a Kipling fan, you will also still be able to see him on the screen in the new year.

– The first, my boss asked about was also, I’m tired of making tv. I am not at all. However, it is important for me to get out and get some new inspiration, if I need to be happy to make tv, and TV2 is so gone with that I can take leave of absence for four months, but there comes much more with me in the new year anyway, says Maurer.

– I is not going to make a new tv for the next four months, but there is a part of the tv in the bank, so you can still see me in tv in the new year. I have just completed the filming of the fifth programme of ’the Greatest’, and then there’s five programs with me, called ‘west Coast’ from February. In addition, I started with two really exciting projects in may and June, when I’m back from leave. I can’t say much about yet, other than that the moped enough to be filled, saith the secretively from the TV2 host.