Suddenly, defence Minister Viola Amherd is a conflict of interest between the civilian Job, Christian Trottmann, and its military function as an officer in the air force. Since December, the Colonel works Lieutenant as a Lobbyist for the combat aircraft manufacturer Saab. In the service of the Swedish group, it should do that Switzerland buys the Saab-built fighter jet Gripen. Saab waving billion.

In the air force is Trottmann, head of communication. The dual role caused sharp criticism. In the VBS we saw, however, so far no need for action: “As a militia officer he will do, as the militia system to continue service in the air force”, communicated to Amherds head of communications Renato Kalbermatten at the end of January.

Now, the Secretary of defense has recognized the urgency of the matter. Your speaker Kalbermatten says: “In view of the upcoming fighter jet procurement, the VBS wants to lungs is no such Association.”

research shows that Amherd has like about Trottmann still no final decision. But it takes the case to the occasion, the troops are now systematically to such Association the lungs. She ordered the commander, your lists with all the arms cadres with delicate double rollers deliver. As soon as she messages back, want you cases, a decision in Principle. Christian Trottmann had to give up because of the Saab mandate, his Job as speaker of the Patrouille Suisse.

Overlap gehörenzur nature of a militia army

the new defense Minister by now engages, provokes commanders at the highest management level. You complain that you can’t find a capable militia officers more, if all of the sensitive dual roles will be eradicated in the army. It lies in the nature of a militia army, so there is an Overlap between professional and military function. A commander gives the example of the soldiers in the cyber defence. There, roles are much more delicate, double-as in the case of the rut man. You are not going to let this find you in this region, simply no specialists.

In the air force, you’d find it incomprehensible if rut a man would be treated in the next few days, in fact, in a different troop or even retired, to learn how well-informed circles. Rut man have to do in his role as chief communications officer in the air force is simply nothing to do with the procurement of the fighter jets, means there. Also man grind himself wants to stay, apparently. He does not want to comment on his case. The questions put to him, his military superior, Major General Bernhard Müller, commander of the air force answered, via e-Mail in two sober, but telling sentences: “As you know, currently in the army, an analysis,” writes Major General. A decision in the case of rut man is not to be expected “a week ago”. More does not want to speak also of the air force chief.

national Council and the Pilot Hurter takes Amherd in protection

politicians, however, supported Amherds approach. The former fighter pilot and current SVP praises-the national Council Thomas Hurter Amherds by attack explicitly. It is in the nature of the militia system, that members of the army have functions that overlap with your profession. But the fighter jet procurement was a “very sensitive” business. “People who have an important position, must not have a dual role, otherwise there is the risk that the pilot procurement shipwreck suffers.”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 24.02.2019, 07:44 PM