the behavior of the army could be in conflict in Venezuela, is crucial. Now defense Minister Padrino, confirmed that the General staff see Maduro, the President and warned of a civil war in the country.

In Venezuela, has warned the military against a violent solution to the conflict. “A civil war will not solve the problems of Venezuela”, said the Minister of defense Vladimir Padrino. There is a need for a dialogue between the government and the Opposition. “Because a war is not our choice, but an Instrument of stateless fellows, who don’t know what that means.”

Padrino reiterated that the General staff of the army, see head of state, Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate President of the country. The United States and other countries, he alleged, a war against Venezuela, and degradation.

The United States had recognized Parliament chief Juan Guaidó immediately as interim President, after this was explained on the Wednesday before the trailers for the new head of state. Other States, including Canada and many Latin American governments.

in Contrast, Padrino said: “A Person without right or legal basis has lifted the Hand and self-appointed President.” This was “very dangerous to our independence and our sovereignty.”

army would be a key element called

In Washington, U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, the military in Venezuela for the protection of Guaidó on. Prior to the organization of American States, he said: “The Regime of the former President, Nicolás Maduro, is legitimate. Therefore, we will consider all of his statements and actions as illegitimate and invalid.” Pompeo warned that “Remnants of the Maduro regime,” in front of it, “the peaceful democratic Transition”.

the Venezuelan army behaves in different ways in the conflict, could be crucial. Public opinion in the country is now a majority on the side of the Opposition. Without or even against the army, it will be for this but it is very difficult to let the day of protest Wednesday with a follow.

The United States and many Latin American States support against President Juan Guaidó.

appeal of Guterres

tens of thousands of people were at the big demonstration against the socialist government on the streets. It had come to clashes, the police fired tear gas grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd. Several people were killed.

in view of the riots, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, called on the parties to the conflict in the country, to avoid any violence. A further escalation of the power struggle for the presidency must be prevented, he said at the world economic forum in Davos. The parties should enter into a political dialogue. In addition, the UN chief, demanded an independent investigation into the unrest.