In Venezuela has been freed, the opposition politician López according to its own figures of soldiers from house arrest. They had acted on the orders of the self-appointed transitional President Guaidó.

In the last few months the ongoing power struggle in Venezuela. The opposition politician Leopoldo López said he had been liberated by the soldiers from house arrest. He was arrested in 2014 as the leader of demonstrations against the government. López explained that the soldiers were followers of the self-appointed transitional President Juan Guaidó.

“the military have set me free, on the instructions of President Guaidó,” wrote López on Twitter. In images, he is seen together with Guaidó and soldiers at an air base in Caracas. The self-appointed interim President is trying with the help of the military, Maduro from office push.

Guaidó appealed to the military

His “Operation freedom” go now into the decisive Phase, said Guaidó. Via Video and Twitter, he called on the military, Maduro avert and join him. The armed forces had made “the right decision”. You could count on the support of the Venezuelan people. “Today, brave soldiers, brave patriots, brave men have followed our call.”