“Donald Trump the desire for political unity and greater border security. There was the expected main elements of the president’s address to the nation, where he also announced a meeting with the north Korean dictator in February.”

“A disjointed speech, a USA-connoisseur.”

“the Century began with Trump asked the congress work for the american people’s agenda, not the republican or democratic party political lines.”

” Millions are watching us this evening and hope that we shall act, not as two parties, but as a nation,” he said.”

“to achieve the progress required according to the president”

“In a unifying gesture reflected the Trump over to congress today, more women than ever before. The comment was the president, Nancy Pelosi to stand up and applaud – something she only did a few times.”

“Pelosi also encouraged his democratic colleagues to stand up, which was a telling contrast to the republican jubelropen of men in black suits. Many democrats, mostly women, and with Pelosi in the lead, was dressed in white as a protest against the president.”

“Ironically, is considered the Trump have a responsibility in that today there are more women in congress. Several of them were elected as a protest against the president in the autumn mellanårsval.”

“Tighter border security”

“But everything was not unification, Trump pointed to, among other things indirectly out Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the democrats’ new star on the left wing, when he is to the republican joy said that the US will never become socialist.”

“– It was a disjointed speech. He tried to talk to their basväljare with the issues that are important to the conservative voters but also to stretch out the hand with the issues that are important for everyone, ” says Elizabeth Walentin, US-born political scientist and pr consultant who has previously worked on democratic election campaigns, to the TT.”

“– Some parts felt ”

“Even more divisive was the expected proposals for a tighter border with Mexico. Trump painted up the border as a moral issue and said that the protection of what he calls the illegal immigrants were not charity, but cruelty.”

“He called on congress to give him the money for the wall, he continued to build and reiterated that the military sent more troops to the border.”

“– I ask you tonight to defend our southern border, ” said Trump.”

“– If I had not been selected to the american president we had right now been involved in a great war against the Dprk.”

“With those words, published Trump his upcoming summit with north Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un in Vietnam 27-28 February. Despite the fact that a UN report the other day showed that north Korea is not nedrustar but rather protects their nuclear Trump praised the leaders ‘ last summit as a great success.”

“Foreign policy was mentioned in the other mainly in protectionist terms. Trump took up old hobbies that the trade agreement with China and Nafta, and that trade agreements are robbing ordinary americans of jobs. Great applause followed when he referred to the earlier decision, that the exit from the kärnenergiavtalet with Iran and the move of the country’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”

“More subdued applause, it was when the president came in on the withdrawal of troops from Syria, an issue on which he did not have support from the congress, either the senate republicans or the democrats.”

“Want to see cheaper medications”

“a Lot of it over 80 minutes long the speech was leaked in advance and a lot was as expected a repetition of previous proposals and deeds. Not many concrete plans were presented. Trump promised opreciserade investments in infrastructure and to force a reduction in prices on ”

“Trump promised also money to eradicate hiv and aids in the united states within ten years and asked the congress to approve this expenditure. The christian right gained a hearing for its core issues if abortförbud, which also was taken up.”

“– to defend the dignity of every human being, I ask the congress to legislate to ban late-term abortions of babies who can feel pain in their mother’s womb, said Trump, and was greeted by cheers from their supporters, who several times during the century, interrupted his president chanting ”

“– He also talked for a very long time. It was the second longest of all the speech to the nation. One of Bill Clinton’s was longer.”

“Donald Trump would accordance the plans have kept his speech on 29 January, but shot up the then president, democrat Nancy Pelosi, called on Trump to shoot at it with the reason of the close down of the state apparatus.”

“the Congress, the senate consists of 100 members elected on the sexårsmandat. The house of representatives has 435 members who are elected for two years.”