10. November chooses Spain a new Parliament. It is already the second choice this year, and so far there is little evidence that it will clearly be different than the ballot in April. No important survey of government chief Pedro Sánchez hope that his calculus could rise: In July, he had coalition talks with the left Unidas Podemos burst, in September, he called new elections in the hope that his socialist party would bring a significantly better result than in April, as the PSOE 123von 350Sitzen repeated. Yes, it could even be that the maneuver Sánchez cost of the Power. Because of the crisis in Catalonia, seems to strengthen the rights. The conservative people’s party (PP) is on the rise, as well as the far-right nationalist party, Vox.

The Madrid political scientist Fernando Vallespín is not doubted that the young, brash PP-Chef Pablo Casado, would govern with the extreme Right. However, it is unlikely that the right-wing parties can scrape together an absolute majority, says Valles-pín. They were, as almost always in Spain, on the votes of regional parties to rely. And will not support any government of the PP, Vox, and Ciuadadanos in Madrid, because of Spain’s rights are the natural enemies of regionalism.

The power of the separatists

Paradox, you could find that regionalism has made the right start. The return of nationalism and the rise of Vox is from Valles-píns view of the current Catalonia-crisis due to. Both the counter-reaction to the Catalan separatism. In Catalonia the separatists bundle in the fact that in their forces. On the weekend, there were again demonstrations and riots, in which hundreds of thousands of the release required of those regional politicians who had been convicted by a court recently to draconian penalties because it had forced for 2017 an illegal Referendum on secession. From the prison as the ringleader, to 13 years in prison sentenced Oriol is Junqueras Interviews in which he insists that he regrets nothing. Although violence was not a solution, but it is also an act of violence, when “democratic politicians are sentenced to 100 years in prison, because they have placed in the ballot boxes,” said the former Catalan Vice-Premier to Eldiario.it.

The many citizens in Catalonia, and not only those who stand up for independence. The radical separatists have recognized the Chance to win the public opinion in the EU. Its main organ, the Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC), has launched a campaign, and overseas offices opened. The street protests were important to the Catalan case, “will the international visibility,” said ANC spokeswoman Elisenda Paluzie, without condemning the violence. In the circles of the Pro-Independence camp road circulating on the fight instructions from Hong Kong: It’s supposed to look like, as Madrid, Beijing, and Spain would be the people’s Republic of China. In the video, to show excessive police violence during the recent protest actions are to be found. Including old pictures of 2017, in which the Spanish Policía but Nacional brutal access.

the Referendum without consultation

for this reason, above all the regional police forces, the Mossos d’esquadra to fight in street battles in Catalonia is currently at the forefront. You are now young people, the slogans, shouting: “Out with the occupation forces!” The police officers who are faced with them were, their neighbors, the speak also Catalan, wrote the Reporter, Carlos E. Cue in “El País”.

All of this makes a solution difficult. In Catalonia, the Prime Minister, Quim Torra, condemned the use of violence only reluctantly, on the other hand, he had to face but in front of the Mossos. Recently he made the proposal, but simply a Referendum without an agreement with Madrid to hold. If he was doing so, Madrid has indicated, he must fear his deposition, similarly as befell his predecessor, Carles Puigdemont. Not welcome in Catalonia, Prime Sánchez is. During a visit to Barcelona, where he wanted to visit wounded police officers, he was received by anyone. The Premier was the Only one they could trust to negotiate with the Catalans, says Vallespín. An election victory of the Right in Spain would exacerbate the conflict and radical separatists may hope for such a victory.

It is not excluded that Pedro Sánchez will lead the minority government in Madrid. “He could try to force the PP to cooperate with him – without consideration, and only for the good of Spain,” says political scientist Manuel Arias Maldonado.

Created: 30.10.2019, 22:20 PM