In the European Parliament, could be represented after the election in may, significantly more Euro-sceptics and critics than in the past: According to a survey capturing extreme Right-wing and right-wing populists are currently the largest gains.

a Few weeks before the European elections, the right-wing parties in Germany and the other EU-States are on the rise. According to a survey conducted by the EU-Parliament, the extreme right-wing ENF group would grow in the same way as the right-wing populist EFDD group, currently significantly, while the European people’s party and the social Democrats would have to capture losses.

ENF-group (Europe of Nations and freedom) according to the survey, the biggest winner of the election on may 26. May. The group would therefore come with 22 additional mandates on 59 seats, and thus the fourth most powerful force. The ENF group about the Lega of Italy’s interior Minister Matteo Salvini and the Austrian FPÖ, as well as the French Rassemblement National called by 2018 the National Front. Also, Marcus Pretzell, husband of Ex-AfD Leader Frauke Petry, coming out from the AfD, and now Petrys “blue party” in Strasbourg represents, belongs to the ENF group.

AfD Co-leader, Jörg Meuthen is the only German representative in the EFDD group.

AfD set to

The right-wing populists of the EFDD group (Europe of freedom and direct democracy) would increase according to the survey, also from the current 41 to 43 seats. A big winner the AfD would be here as a member, you would be represented with twelve members and may recorded the highest gains of the German parties. The EFDD group in the EU-critical British UKIP belongs to.

For the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) would be a strengthening of the Right, a fatal sign for Europe. In the rbb-info radio, he said:

“If the result in Europe would be a choice that the European Parliament would have a strong minority or even a majority of Euro-sceptic MEPs, so the members who are not for European Integration, then of course that would be for the European Union is something very Fateful.”

President of the Bundestag, Schäuble warns of a strengthening of the critics of the EU in the EU Parliament.

SPD behind the Green at the German distribution of seats

survey of the EU Parliament, the EPP group (European people’s party) would remain the strongest force in the future Parliament, but would win instead of the 217, only 183 seats. Also, the Progressive Alliance of socialists and Democrats (S&D) would lose, therefore, significantly and instead of 186 members, only 135 parliamentarians. The liberal ALDE group would, with slight regain (75 instead of 68 seats) of the fourth-strongest to third strongest of the group.

In German the distribution of seats would dominate with the CDU/CSU parties Christian-democratic group. Instead of 34, the Union would have after the European elections but only 29 seats. The Green group would with 18 Seats from Germany, 17 from bündnis 90/die Grünen and one of the pirate party, the group with the second highest number of German members. Currently Alliance 90/The Greens is represented by eleven members of Parliament, the pirate party. The SPD would be well represented, with 15 instead of 27 deputies in the S&D group and, therefore, the strongest force out of Germany third. The FDP would provide eight seats in the ALDE group, the Left eight in the GUE/NGL group.

find important

aware of The majority of Germans is another EU survey, however, the importance of the European elections. 70 percent were of the opinion that their voice in the EU is important, the representation of the EU-Commission in Germany at the launch of the latest Eurobarometer. In the spring of 2016, this value was, therefore, still at 47 percent. “In many member States, forces the inlet, which rely on national policy solutions. In addition, many people make their displeasure with political and social issues according to the level of air”, – said the representative of the European Commission in Germany Richard kuehnel. Therefore, it is important that the voters used their voting rights: “It is not a question of for or against Europe, but from the point of view of the persons entitled to vote the best concepts.”

For the survey for the Eurobarometer were between the 8. 22. November 2018 interviewed in the 28 EU member States 27.424 citizens over 15 years, in Germany, in 1519.