Mrs Duke, the voting public is the name of the AHV-tax-template with 66 percent, significantly well. What you are: surprised, or relieved?
I am very relieved that we were able to convince the people. I have used for years for this tax reform is absolutely necessary.
Why did the voting people of today, Yes: to the package? Or have added up the votes for each of the two parts?
Well, not obviously disturbed the majority of the Voting at the link of the two templates. They have regarded it as what it is: a good Swiss compromise. After the ‘ no ‘ to the USR III of, and the pension in 2020, a way had to be found to unblock the Situation. The clear people’s verdict today shows that this is possible.
Would you like to see such links, the school would make, especially if a reform threatens?
We should find, in principle, within a template of a compromise, behind which a majority can stand. But if it’s not different, then these links are legitimate, and it is also not the first Time, when you think of the introduction of VAT.
Solothurn voted today on the cantonal implementation of national tax reform and just said no. A decision with a signal effect for other cantons?
There are different signals, in Basel, the cantonal template has been adopted, in new castle will be in accordance with the Parliament decision no referendum – it is still hard to say. What is certain is that The cantons have to implement the national tax reform the cantonal level. This is not achieved at the first attempt, it needs a second.
In Basel-city which has already managed. What is the decisive factor for the success?
We launched in February, nearly 80 percent of the Vote behind our solution. We are reducing the profit tax rate for companies of 22 to 13 percent. At the same time, the population of relief benefits in the amount of 150 million Swiss francs in the Form of income tax reductions and family allowances as well as premium subsidies. The example shows: promising templates that include a social balance.
The SP says Yes to the AVH-control-template, fought but part of the tax cuts in the cantons. A doppelbödiges game, say critics.
The SP Switzerland has done from the outset, a ‘ Yes ‘ to the AHV-tax-template does not mean that the SP will automatically support all of the cantonal implementation of templates, but that you repel it, if this is to the detriment of the population.
your party, the SP, now wants to introduce a popular initiative a minimum tax for all companies. SP-President Christian Levrat said: “We need to make this step, to stop the ruinous tax competition in our country.”
This is a debate within the EU and in the OECD. We have not found yet. I am open for this discussion, what is crucial is the amount of the rate is to Christian Levrat said, apparently nothing.
What is the guarantee that the loss of tax revenue for the cantons and municipalities are now going to be higher than the forecast of 1.4 billion Swiss francs?
these are static Figures, to show the Dimension without the involvement of further development, are estimates. No one knows the behaviour, how the world is changing, how the taxation of other countries further developed, such as the company. These dynamic effects, we do not know.
This is a risk.
The future is a risk! No, seriously: The model calculations were made. These have shown that the Staf template is the best solution, the least loss of tax revenue causes. You, as internationally demanded, the tax privileges for international companies. And simultaneously ensures that Switzerland remains an attractive business location by investing in research and development will be promoted in the future with the new special tax rules.
What you need to do the policy, if the failures are significantly higher?
Then we do not need to shorten the new reforms, superior and safe easy services. It is important to me personally that the company contribute its share to the financing of the public tasks that are Yes for you is just as important as the tax rate. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 19.05.2019, 18:29 PM