The story itself is not new. But what is new is who is claims to be true. Michael Cohen, the Ex-lawyer of the US President, Donald Trump, was known guilty in court, to have the US election in 2016 hush money to two women paid, claiming to have had Affairs with his Boss Trump. 130’000 dollars flowed about at the pornstar Stormy Daniels. Cohen said the order had come directly from Trump, the former presidential candidate and eventual election winner. Of course, Cohen had tried to disguise the payments.

In the eyes of the American Prosecutor this is a criminal Offense. The payments were to be equated with a hidden and, thus, illegal campaign help. Cohen is likely to land in jail for that. For how long, the decides next Wednesday. Then the competent judge William Pauley in New York will set the sentence for Cohen.

this Friday, the public Prosecutor has informed, together with the special investigator Robert Mueller of the court of their recommendation. In the paper calling for a “substantial” sentence for Cohen. His statements against Trump had been helpful. But unlike trump’s former security Advisor, Michael Flynn Cohen has signed a Deal with the investigators that would have provided for a reduction in the sentence.

Cohen hopes that his because of his willingness to cooperate, a prison sentence is spared. In the recommendation of its lawyers to the court, Cohen is portrayed as a broken man who lied to protect alone, to Trump, and in even in difficulties have brought.

Surprisingly to the paper, the Prosecutor is, that you explain yourself right now, Trump had given the order to pay the hush money. Cohen had acted in “vote, and in the order of” a named “individual-1”. With this “individual-1” is meant, as is evident from the document, Donald Trump.

This is a completely new quality. It is now assumed that the Prosecutor, Arzbet regardless of Cohen’s statement is enough evidence to suggest that Trump gave the payment instructions. Cohen should have, therefore, a term of imprisonment serve, inevitably raises the question of whether or not Trump as a Client behind bars.

Russians pre-wanzten already by the end of 2015 in Trump

enough of that. In the paper, the prosecutors also claim that in November 2015, a is not referred to the Russian Person the Trump campaign on trump’s former personal attorney Cohen Russian support at the government level have offered. Many months earlier, as previously thought. However, it should be come according to the statement of Cohen has never been a Meeting with the Person.

in Addition, noted the investigators on Friday in another case, that Trumps former campaign Manager Paul Manafort has lied to them about his contacts with a Person, in the opinion of the investigator has close Links to the Russian secret service.

Both events confirm the suspicion that Trump himself or his staff could adopt to have been ready to support the Russian government in order to win the presidential election in November 2016. This fits in with what Cohen has recently been granted, to have until June 2016 is trying to trump’s dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow. What could have served the Russian government as a means of pressure against Trump.

Trump rejects all allegations. On Twitter, he claimed without any basis that the court would be relieved of documents, “the President completely”. He afterwards pushes even a “thank you!”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 08.12.2018, 14:54 PM