The construction appeals court has given the Zurich city Council a discharge in unusual clarity: He must again on the noise protection measures on the books. Reason for the judgment, an appeal of the traffic club of Switzerland (VCS). He was charged in October of 2018, against the implementation of the last of the so-called “acoustic projects” objection, and for a number of additional roads the speed limit is 30 required. The city Council had refused to comply with the requirements. He argued, Tempo 30 would put the brakes on the public transport, or it was not sections on certain distance for motorists to understand.
According to Baur course, the court has weighted the city Council the number of persons that could be protected with tempo reductions to little strong. This was “an important, if not the Central Element” of the balancing of interests. Worse still, The city Council has just given a very flat, like many city residents are affected by noise. This could not obviously suffice to say, the construction appeals court in yesterday’s published judgment.
Clear more
In the course of the proceedings, the VCS was able to demonstrate that significantly more residents could residents benefit from Tempo 30, as the city Council claimed. Now, the city Council additional facts, clarifications, and re-must make lungs. In addition, this will cost the city Council money: 10000 francs, the costs of the proceedings and 3,000 francs loss compensation for the VCS. The judgment is not appealable, the city Council can challenge it. Whether he will do this and how he evaluated the decision of the planning appeals Tribunal, he wants to decide next Wednesday in his weekly session.
The number of noise affected the crux in the discussion of Tempo 30. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal government must protect the city, its residents and the residents from the street noise. This must be done in the first place by taking measures at the source of the noise. The traffic noise there is in advance in three ways: The cars are quieter built, the flooring is changed, or the speed will be reduced, because the slower cars are quieter.
On the car manufacturing, the city has no influence. So-called whisper-tested, but their development is still immature to be coverings. In addition, they are too expensive. So the city relies primarily on the pace of reduction. Since 2011, she has advertised in the framework of the “acoustic projects” in stages in all the city circles, new Tempo-30-streets.
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At the last stage, in the circles 1, 4 and 5, criticized the VCS as before, and that too little people have benefited from the measures. The city would set the Tempo of 30, especially for roads, where hardly any people live. In fact, 20 percent of speed – reduced streets benefited after completion of all the “acoustic projects” throughout the city, of the 140’000 from the noise Affected only 24000, not once.
All of the other wants to protect the city with other measures, such as soundproof Windows. By contrast, the VCS fights. He is assisted also by the Federal court, in several Judgments clear: soundproof Windows can only be used in exceptional cases as a solution to be presented and not considered as a noise abatement measure.
Whole city?
Therefore, Markus Knauss showed yesterday, a little surprised. The Co-Director of VCS, Zurich, is “delighted to have been in the first instance so clearly right”.
The VCS is now demanding that the city reviewed not only the “acoustic project” of the circles 1, 4 and 5, such as from the construction appeals court has ordered new, but the Tempo-30-zones in the entire city. Because there are numerous routes in which the city had declined to a pace of reduction with similar arguments, which are but part of the court-assessed project.
Created: 22.03.2019, 23:33 PM