At two months, Inspectors issued 11 strakspåbud and 23 of the guides for businesses, who have not had a track on the new National guidelines on distances and hygiene in the workplace.

This shows an access from the working environment authority, writes A4 Working environment.

the Decisions were issued in the period 13. march 13. may 2020, when Denmark was partly decommissioned due to coronakrisen.

most of The cases of lack of access to håndsprit and hand soap, dirty toilets and rest areas, and employees working too close together.

most of the strakspåbuddene and instructions are given to the companies in the building and construction industry.

A jysk montagevirksomhed got 4. may a strakspåbud, because the two employees ate lunch in the company vehicle without first having washed the hands.

11. may 2020 received an Italian company, working on the construction site of the new university Hospital of Odense, a strakspåbud, because the three craftsmen worked with the faces too close together, which increases the risk of infection. The company was ordered immediately to remedy the situation.

A dentist in Esbjerg got a strakspåbud, because the staff used the same mundbind through a full working day, and engangsovertrækskitler was missing.

Finally brought a driver package into a pharmacy with a broken latex-gloves, where the fingers stuck out. The misconduct cost the also a strakspåbud.

Since the 14. april, the Inspectors focused supervisory efforts on accident prevention and to reduce the coronasmitte in selected industries.