FDP Vice and Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki has again provoked his green coalition partner. In an interview with Wieland Schinnenburg, a former FDP member of the Bundestag, Kubicki compared Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and named similarities.

Referring to Habeck, Kubicki said: “He thinks freedom is the recognition of necessity. That means: whoever submits himself voluntarily is really free. And whoever opposes the fact that he has to submit, whoever has to make his own decisions, is in truth not free. Because he is forced to oppose,” said Kubicki.

“That’s a concept of freedom that Vladimir Putin could easily translate to his own ruling milieu.” is good.” The only difference is that Putin wants to achieve his goals through violence, while Habeck wants to use prohibitions. The interview was conducted on the Internet subscription channel “Massentaste-TV”, which is produced by the Hamburg company Alsterfilm, in the talk show “Veto”.

A few months ago, Kubicki called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a “little sewer rat” in the Lower Saxony state election campaign. When asked, the FDP politician explained that he made the statement as part of a statement on the refugee policy of the Turkish President, who had concluded a deal with the European Union that was advantageous for Turkey to reduce the number of refugees. Kubicki shared: “A sewer rat is a small, cute, yet clever and devious creature, which is why she also appears as a protagonist in children’s stories (“Kalle Kanalratte”, “Ratatouille”)”. The statement did not lead to investigations by the public prosecutor’s office in Hildesheim. According to the authority, there is no initial suspicion of a crime.

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