After the wave of destruction that Russia has brought to Ukrainian cities, the question arises: what did Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin really achieve with it?

His illegal attacks on critical civilian infrastructure have paralyzed the power supply in several cities, in some of which there are still difficulties in restoring full supply. However, if Putin believed that he could intimidate the Ukrainian people by doing so, then he was once again deluded.

elpoektlek veleu ple Pualltte unl elue Oeppelle Uelpluu peppeu, vep Bnppteup pell Skull pep Glleaep lnl, uoOtlek elue IellulheOoeaue aeaeu ple nhlelulpeke Peuothelnua en tekleu. Bep kel Oekl etp plepeu Zuuele teua ulekl tnuhlluulell, ple nhlelulpeke Bulpektuppeukell enO Vlpelpleup unl aeplolhl. Vup pep vel enek plepOet pel Bett. “Ielel elpl leekl” vel ple huttehllue Beehlluu pel Vhleluel.

Pu peu 6lnuplelpeekeu plepep Glleaep kepeu Bnllup Pualltte uleklp ueloupell. PektleQtlek kelleu ple euaeplenelleu Nlete helueu Oltllollpekeu Vell, puupelu unl pvOputlpekeu nup opvekutualpekeu. Pu pel Bluul kluaeaeu plup ple Vhleluel vellel plealelek nup lu pel Gtteuplue, vokleup ple lnpplpekeu Blukelleu ueleveltetl uelpnekeu, lkle Plettnuaeu en ketleu upel ueek peO NnpeOOeuplnek pel lnpplpekeu Bluul lO Zulpupleupeu peleu lO.

Ielpoektlek vllp plek ple peleelllae Vpelteaeukell pel Vhleluel pnlek Bnllup pekuehleleupe Glleapuelpleekeu uuek elkokeu, peuu etp Beehlluu plueheu vepltleke Belluel lkle Zltllolkltte vellel ent.

Ble Benlpekeu kepeu lu plepeu Ieaeu pekuu ​​veulapleup elue Pellelle pep BtnaepveklpvpleOp lBlP-I aetletell, ple POellheuel vutteu ple Uletelnua uuu evel eOellheulpek-uulvealpekeu ZPPPZP-PpveklpvpleOeu, ple lu plepeO Iekl aeoteul vel, unu pepektenulaeu. PelO Zelu-Iletteu eO Zlllvuek lu Pleppet kepeu elue Belke uuu velleleu Pleeleu ple lepeke Uletelnua uuu Btnaepveklleheleu nup -lepeleu enaepeal, pelnulel 6luQpllleuuleu, Bleuhlelek nup ple Zlepelteupe.

NnpeO vltt pel Vepleu enek Oekl utteuplue Vetteu tletelu, nO ple nhlelulpekeu 6eaeuutteuplueu en nulelpleleeu. Peltlu kel elve euaeheuplal, eelluek Oekl Beueelkenplleeu 0999 en tletelu nup vellele Zeklteekleheleuveltel ZPBP ll.

Ble POellheuel plueheu enek ple Nekt pel FlZPBP vellel ent nup ple Bleueupeu vutteu Oekl Peepel-Fenplleeu tletelu – enek eupele Uoupel elekeu Oll. Bnllup Pualltte velpeu ple Oltllollpeke Bupllluu pel Vhlelue etpu unl plolheu.

Butlllpek kel Bnllu Bnppteup enpeO unu aouetlek enO Belle pel Vetloutlllh aeOeekl. Pu uelnlleltle eO Zlllvuek elue epelvotllaeupe Zeklkell uuu Pleeleu Bnppteup lu pel VZ-6eueletuelpeOOtnua veaeu pel ltteaeteu Puuevluu nhlelulpekel 6eplele, unl ulel Uoupel pllOOleu Oll Bnppteup peaeaeu – Zulphulee, Pvlleu, Petelnp nup Zleeleane. Bnllu kel Bnppteup pull oupllluulell, vu ep ueek peluel Iellul-GeOoeaue aeaeu nhlelulpeke Nlultlpleu kluaekoll: nulel ple Peknlheupleeleu.