To be declared as a “foreign Agent”, it is sufficient to publish contributions and money from abroad. A Russian Journalist, Blogger or Youtuber that is financed through Crowdfunding, now runs a risk that he will not have to register as an Agent for the Ministry of justice, if a donor comes from Russia.

The law, with the media as foreign agents can be classified, signed by President Vladimir Putin, already in 2017. So far, it is true, but only for organizations. Ten media are already on the list, among them the US radio station Voice of America and Radio Free Europe. The additional article that applies from now on, aims at a much wider group: individuals who disseminate information via the Internet or other media, to both Russians and foreigners.

the Same For you as it is for organisations: Who is classified as a “foreign Agent” must be on all publications, on its website, and in the case of any contribution as such. Otherwise threaten fines, closure, blocking. These labelling means for journalists and bloggers in Russia to be a strong restriction. Human rights organisations have criticised the law as another tool of the Kremlin, in order to make silence its critics.

The law could have “a significantly chilling effect on journalists, just like bloggers”.Harlem Désir, the OSCE representative on freedom of the press

Last week, protested more than 60 journalists and artists in an open letter against this “brand” of foreign agents. It “discredits the people in the eyes of his fellow citizens, is detrimental to his Dignity”, although he had done nothing unlawful, they wrote. The majority of Russians, 57% connect with the term “foreign Agent” something Negative, resulted in the end of 2016, a survey by the independent Lewada-center. The opinion research Institute had shortly before been explained even to the “foreign agents”. To the question, what do you think in this expression, reported to be 45 percent of the participants: spies. The second most common answer people’s enemy or traitor was. Probably a journalist or Blogger would lose with that Label any credibility.

Harlem Désir, the OSCE representative on freedom of the press, is not called two weeks ago to the Russian state Duma to adopt the law. It “represent a disproportionate impairment of the freedom of expression and freedom of the media,” said Désir. The law could have “a significantly chilling effect on journalists, just like bloggers”.

It can be almost all of the meeting

warned This is a “powerful tool to bring critical voices to Silence,” ten human rights organizations in a statement, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, reporters without borders Especially bloggers played an important role for public opinion in Russia, it was said in it. The Label of “foreign agents” could limit your range, because it’s your readers deterrent, horse riding posts in social media sharing. In addition, the law could affect the cooperation of Russian journalists with foreign media, if any payment from a foreign source is at risk.

Whom the new law will specifically relate to, is difficult to predict. At the end of the Department of justice and the Ministry of foreign Affairs, whom they register as a “foreign agent” to decide. It is likely to remain isolated cases. What kind of damage could the law, in the case of those for which this rule applies for years: non-governmental organizations in Russia since 2012 to “foreign agents” if they receive money from abroad. More than 70 bear this stamp, the well-known human rights group Memorial.

As a “foreign agent,” you have not only more work, because you need to report to the Ministry more and more about your finances, goals, and tasks. You need to recognize in each appearance as a foreign agent. Finally, the cases of money accumulated penalties, because on a Flyer or online post, the note was missing.

Created: 03.12.2019, 20:14 PM