“Intimidation alone is not the only way to stay in power. You also need a lie,” Josef Stalin is said to have said. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin took the sentence of the Soviet dictator as a model. In his speech on the anniversary of the Ukraine war, he heaps lies on lies – sometimes trying to be sober, sometimes in a smug tone, a hodgepodge of malice, lies and deceit. First, there is talk of Ukrainian intentions to attack Russia, then again of pedophilia, which has become the state religion in the West, so to speak.

Anyone who, after saying this, still thinks that one only has to travel to Moscow, speak to the gentleman in the Kremlin, and peace will be possible is either deaf or lives in the belief that one only has to scratch a crocodile’s head long enough to until it starts to purr.

The third group remains. It is led by Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht. If, after Putin’s outbursts, they still believe that compromises with Moscow are possible, for the sake of their own credibility they must now openly admit that peace with Putin’s Russia can only be made if Ukraine is left to its own devices.

Their idea of ​​a peace agreement is reminiscent of ancient Rome: Back then, Emperor Nero “appeased” the lions by accusing the Christians – although the Christians would have called it something else. If Schwarzer and Wagenknecht were honest, they would have to admit: peace means throwing the Ukraine to the Russians.

After Putin’s speech, anyone who doesn’t want to sweep the last crumb of decency off the table can only come to the conclusion that they should support Ukraine until the costs of the war become too high for Russia. No one should be fooled: this will not be the case for a long time. Putin isn’t just fighting for a land grab. He is waging a religious war against the West. Religious wars last for years and are very bloody.