the Shares in Danske Bank dive Friday morning after the bank on Thursday evening, had to downgrade its expectations for the full year. The dive makes the evil worse of the shareholders of the bank, which has been hit hard by the hvidvasksag and challenging financial markets.

From the start Friday fall Danske Bank’s shares by four percent to 124,2 crowns. The level has not been seen since January 2014.

While large parts of the year strong aktiefald can be drawn to the Danish Banks big hvidvasksag in Estonia, is the downgrade on Thursday triggered by the violation headwinds in the world financial markets.

– I think that we must expect that the difficult conditions will continue into the coming quarters.

– Danske Bank is very exposed to the activity in the bond market, and that we will need to see a little higher activity, before we begin to get a change in handelsindtægterne from this low level, said Jyske Bank analyst Simon Hagbart Madsen to Ritzau Finance before the market opening.

Friday’s decline skamferer further Danske Bank’s shares. Since the new year, shares have fallen by 48 percent. It is similar to that Danske Bank’s market value has decreased by no less than 105 billion crowns.

Investors have their eyes rigidly fixed against the big hvidvasksag, where billions and billions of euros as well as without control were led through the branch in Estonia.

A big part of them can be money laundering and authorities, from a variety of countries are investigating the bank. It can trigger fines of billions of euros, and a further notch in the spout to an already chopped image.

the day’s fall, despite found Sydbank analyst Mikkel Emil Jensen positive moments in the downgrade, as it describes that the underlying business is going well.

Investors have some concerns about what hvidvasksagen may mean for the underlying business.

– In the third quarter had it not had a bigger impact. And in the downgrade, write to the core business continues to develop nicely, said Mikkel Emil Jensen in the past.