A controversial israeli art exhibition on religion has made the people in the country so furiously, that kampklædt police had to protect the museum, where the exhibition of insipid place, against the attacks of a furious crowd, writes the AP.

Hundreds of christians from the country’s arab minority was on Friday, met up in front of the museum in the city of Haifa, where the protest evolved tremendously.

Thus were the three officers, according to israeli authorities, the wound of the stone’s throw, just as there also was thrown a firebomb at the museum, before the police had dissolved the crowd with tear gas and chokgrenader.

See footage from the street fight over the article.

the Exhibition, which has made the christian minority so furious, shows, among other things, McDonald’s mascot Ronald McDonald crucified, and Jesus and the Virgin Mary, designed as Barbie and Ken dolls.

the Article continues below the images.

the Works, which is meant as a comment on modern society’s almost religious worship of capitalism, has been exhibited in several months, but it is supposedly only after the images of the works was shared on social media, that people were furious.

the Rage confined, in fact, not only to Israel’s christian arab minority.

Israel’s minister for culture, Miri Regev, who previously has pushed to introduce legislation on ‘national loyalty’ in the arts, and has also requested that the ‘disrespectful’ works of removed.

however, It has been flatly rejected by the museum’s director, Nissim Figures, which points out how it would be an interference in freedom of expression. In order to meet the protests have, however, hung a curtain up at the entrance to the exhibition, as well as a sign which tells that the intent of the works is not to offend anyone.

– this is The maximum we can do. If we take the art down, we will the day after to have politicians who require that we take other things down, and so we end up with a museum that only has colorful flower pictures, says Nissim Tal to the AP.