the Weather is about as changeable in Denmark, as the situation in the Middle east.

Why is it important to take care of yourself, when you as the craftsman movement at the construction sites.

Each year the labour inspectorate a large number of reviews about the unsafe work environment, and a large part of them are given in the winter season.

One of the reasons may be cold, wind, rain and sleet, which both affect the substrate, one goes on, stilladserne and, not least, the power tools you use.

Mette Møller Nielsen is arbejdsmiljøchef at the Danish Construction association, and she spends most of her time advising employers in creating a safe working environment all year round.

It is always the employer who is responsible for that the construction site is sure to move on – but it does not mean that you as a private craftsman does not need to be aware of his surroundings.

The first, according to Mette Møller Nielsen is required to ensure is whether you have solid ground under your feet.

the Substrate may for example be smooth, if the temperature moves down below freezing during the afternoon.

– On a construction site must always be salted or gruses, if it is smooth, and so must all, of course, have safety shoes on, says arbejdsmiljøchefen and adds:

– The typical injury occurs when one progresses on the substrate, and thus a bad stretch or crack in the body, when one is trying to avoid falling. We all know that together.

in Addition, according to Mette Møller Nielsen fit in it, she calls for ‘builders bum’.

– in the winter, it is a really good idea to wear warm overalls to avoid being chilled from the lower back and down – a phenomenon, which is popularly called the ‘builders bum’ (håndværkernumse, ed.). A cold loin gives often low back pain, she says.

If you need to spend the winter on a construction site, it may be a good idea to take the above advice with you on the work – both for your own safety and for your colleagues. Mette Møller Nielsen calls in addition to reporting it to his boss, if the site does not live up to the advice.

GOOD ADVICE for safety on the construction site

the construction Site should always be cleared of snow and then gravel. It is especially important to remove snow before it becomes water, and your boss should have the area cleared before you arrive to work.

You need to be protected against the cold and pull, when you are working, and therefore should any bygningsåbninger be closed as soon as possible. It also helps to keep at the existing heat, so you don’t get too cold at work.

the build plate must be strongly illuminated, and all electrical devices must also be directed away from the work. Wiring should also be covered and like hung up, so as not to stumble in them.

If you often work on a scaffold, so keep an eye on, whether they are covered for. Is it not the case, then you are not adequately protected against wind and weather.

Pløre is hard to avoid on a vintervåd construction site, but also dangerous to go in. Therefore, have your employer responsibility to get the water derived, when the snow falls, or the rain washes down.

the Building being worked on should be covered. On the way you will not be affected by the weather and can continue working without being interrupted.

You must be able to move without risk of slipping and fall, and therefore must be made to ensure færdselsarealer on the construction site.

Source: Branchefællesskabet for the Working environment in the Building and construction