Florian Schmidt has a Plan. The Green-Baustadtrat of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg would like to rekommunalisieren as reported by a part of the Karl-Marx-Allee. The background of the impending purchase of 700 apartments in four blocks Reside on the former Grand Boulevard of East Berlin by the German.

On Friday, came Schmidt with this Plan a bit more. First, the district has exercised the right of first refusal for 81 apartments and ten commercial units, which are in the environment protection area. It is still unclear whether Deutsche Wohnen writes here is an averting statement that prevents the purchase by the housing society center.

“a legal innovation”

Secondly, Schmidt has informed in the evening, together with financial state Secretary Margaretha Sudhof (SPD) and Sebastian Scheel (Left), state Secretary for Housing, approximately 1,000 affected tenants in the cinema Kosmos about how it goes with the other three blocks.

“We are entering a legal innovation,” said Scheel. As it is expected that only a few tenants can buy their apartment – even if you receive from the investment Bank Berlin, a low – interest credit, it was in the evening, the model of the so-called “straight purchase”. This means that tenants use their right of pre-emption, the apartment would sell, but more to the municipal housing company Gewobag, which also secures the loans.

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for Free order

Each individual buyer would have to up to 3. January a settlement power of attorney at the notary to sign. The legal construction, however, needs to be rules with EU state aid and the banking supervision law brought in line, said Jan Kehrberg, which advises the country in the matter legally. “That’s a lot, but solvable.”

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Karl-Marx-Allee in the district and the Senate go against Deutsche Wohnen

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

at Least 25 percent of the tenants would have to join in. The Senate and the district, however, hope for 70 to 80 percent. The big goal: the re-municipalisation of all the 700 apartments.