Friendly words come from the Federal government, more clearly, the former policy-sizes – and from Brussels, the warm applause to be cut up with page: The reactions to Macron are far less passionate than the Europe-plea of the French.

“It is important that the Pro-European forces before the elections to present their concepts. The Federal government supports the dedicated discussion about the orientation of the European Union.”

On the passionate appeal of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the German government has reacted first, with two droughts, but friendly rates. Content Of The Statements? .

Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, was in the course of the day something concrete: “Emmanuel Macron has set a decisive Signal for the cohesion in Europe. I don’t think he’s right: scepticism, but Confidence should determine our Actions.” He saw Berlin, close to the side of Paris. However, the SPD politician not said what proposals Macrons, it supports concretely.

Hot, but in a vague way: Olaf Scholz’s reaction to Macron

Federal President of Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble, responded also generally in favour of Macrons ideas: he said He was glad that Macron pressing again and again to the fact that Europe will be reformed. “The world of globalisation is changing so fast that we need to come faster in Europe. Everybody must be ready to Germany, but also France,” said Schaeuble in the SWR.

Schulz and Gabriel criticize Merkel

Very much more pronounced Martin Schulz. The long-time President of the European Parliament did not want to leave it, apparently, with warm words: “For the second Time, he (Macron) is now putting out the Hand to Germany. The Federal government is allowed to him, and France-not a second Time”, said the SPD-politician in the “mirror” – also with a view to Macrons speech on Europe in the autumn of 2017 at the Sorbonne in Paris, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is never really answered. “Roaring Silence or diplomatic packaged ignorance”, as attested also Ex-foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, the German Federal government.

The Federal government had the Macron is not re-hang, said the SPD-politician Schulz.

“The German government and Chancellor Merkel must finally react to Macrons proposals for a sovereign Europe capable of action, he has already formulated in his speech at the Sorbonne”, scolded also FDP-fraction Deputy Alexander Graf Lambsdorff. In Macrons proposals much be “in it to debate, and can argue.” Similarly, the Greens were.

came in today:.

reactions from Berlin to Macrons EU proposals for reform
daily news at 17:00, Volker Schwenck, ARD Berlin

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