“”Receipt to go against what Göran Persson did””

“the Ex-minister Aida Hadzialic’s legacy after the former prime minister”

“the Legacy of prime minister Göran Persson has made it more difficult for the social democrats to push the issue of state responsibility for the school.”

“It is believed the ex-minister, Aida Hadzialic, who is interviewed in the new lärarpodden ”Kornhall & Skogstad”.”

“– It has been well received to go against what prime minister Persson said and did in many years, ” she says.”

“Aida Hadzialic (S) was at the age of 27, Sweden’s youngest minister ever, when she in 2014 was appointed to the secondary and kunskapslyftsminister. Just two years later, she left the government, after being stuck in a police check by 0.2 per mille of alcohol in the blood.”

“since Then, Hadzialic, among other things, worked as a consultant in the private sector and led the work, with the S election assessment statement in Stockholm. “

“When Stefan Löfven a few weeks ago, the ministers in his new government had Aida Hadzialic, has been in the face-the speculation. But when the ministers were presented, she was not.”

“In the new pod ”Kornhall & Skogstad”, which is given out in cooperation with the Teachers’ Association, Hadzialic questions about this.”

“– I said that I would come back with time, but I do not see that I here and now need a political function to tell you what I think about Swedish politics and the future of Sweden, or school specific, ” she says.”

“In Su002FMP-the government’s agreement with the Centre party and the Liberals stated that the investigation of a nationalisation of the school, to the equivalence between the various units and municipalities will increase. “

“It is something that Hadzialic is open for. “

” I know that there are voices in the S who want to have a nationalisation, or a more state responsibility. I personally belong to the group, ” she says in poddintervjun.”

“Aida Hadzialic also get questions on how to’s affected by that it was the ex-prime minister Göran Persson, who pushed through the change that made the school became the responsibility of the community, when he was minister for education. And if it has made it impossible for S to say that it was a failure.”

“– Then it probably is. As you know, is Göran Persson, a strong force both within the social democrat party and Sweden, and it has been well received to go against what prime minister Persson said and did in many years, ” says Hadzialic.”

“– It is first now when it comes to new generations, one begins to think in a new way, and then there are a lot of research, studies and international comparisons that show that we have lost the steering capability of the Swedish school, and that is why we do not have equivalence and does not deliver on enough high level.”

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