the Girl died in custody in the united STATES because she, according the u.s. government “had not eaten or received water in several days.”

In a statement from the girl’s parents published through their lawyer denies the statement of the u.s. customs and border control (CBP), and says that she’s got both water and food when she and her father traveled from Guatemala to the united STATES.

Died in the hospital

the Girl and her father were arrested on the border between Mexico and the united STATES 6. December. The girl was sent to the hospital in El Paso and died less than 24 hours after she arrived.

Sjuåringen and his father were dropped off by car 90 minutes before the border to the united STATES. The plan was to travel to the united STATES to seek asylum.

CBP said in a statement on Friday that they did everything to save the life of the girl. They also said that no research showed that she had some health problems. Her father also wrote on the documents that said she was in good health. The family also takes a distance from this, since his father does not understand English.

Requires investigation

– It is unacceptable that they have people in custody that the person signing the documents in a language they obviously do not understand, said the statement.

the Parent requires that the death is being investigated. The cause of death has not yet being publicly known.

Several thousand migrants in several so-called caravans going through Mexico with the united STATES as a target. Most of them flee from poverty and gjengvold in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.