Kortrijk, Vlaams belang and the city council Team, the Mayor, N-VA and sp.a all in frontal view about the publishing of photos of (also) ‘toddlers’ with a headscarf on the front pages of we(k)newspapers. According to mayor Vincent Van Quickenborne manipulates Vlaams belang aware photos. The question must also be asked whether it would be effective about preschoolers is on the photos.

“The photos that the Flemish Interest on social media shows abound, are clearly edited,” says Van Quickenborne. “Besides, it is not the first time that the extreme right as the ‘fake news’ in Kortrijk spreads. The original photographs show the city as it is. There appear thousands of photos in stadspublicaties. On some of them is a scarf because there are people and young people in our city who wear a headscarf. It’s the people of the local and communication that the photos and choose. We go that if city council does not censor. Let alone that we would cut out pictures. The city council is not for or against the headscarf. People and families are free to make your own choices. What the extreme right wants, comes down to a hoofddoekenverbod in public spaces. That is a violation of the constitution,” said Vincent Van Quickenborne.

Extensive debate

“The city spreads as a radical and vrouwonvriendelijke interpretation of islam”, says Wouter Vermeersch of Vlaams belang. “I am referring to the Iranian-Belgian vrouwenrechtenactiviste Darya Safai of N-VA, which holds that the imposition of head scarves to children, no free choice. I refer also to the former state secretary for Equal Opportunities, Zuhal Demir of N-VA. Indignant responded to pictures of infants with a headscarf in the Turkish organisation Milli Görüs. And then there is Hendrik Bogaert CD&V, who had previously for a general hoofddoekenverbod in the public space is argued. The islamic headscarf is a (anti-)sexual instrument. Devout muslims find that married women and unmarried girls from puberty to their (family)honour and to protect themselves should cover. Not the sexual desire of male viewers. I demand a comprehensive debate. Where experts during a city council the complex and sensitive matter to explain to the policy makers. And explain why this type of communication to send the wrong signal to give to the City and society”, says Wouter Vermeersch.