News agency Reuters reported that Crimea has landed more than ten Russian fighters.According to Reuters according to the eyewitness, Crimea landed a dozen Russian mig fighter jets. Stock. EPA/AOP

another ten SU-27 and SU-30 Russian fighter planes landed in the Crimea on Saturday.

Reutresin challenge by the witnesses reported that fighter jets landed in Belbek air base in Crimea. Russia occupies Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

between Russia and Ukraine tensions have risen in recent weeks after Russia took over three Ukrainian at the beginning of 25. November. Russia fired on ships in international waters, captured the ships and took the sailors hostage. Ukrainian sea men are still imprisoned in Russia.

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has claimed that Ukraine is preparing some kind of provocation in the Crimea in the vicinity of in the next few days.

in Ukraine, the continued war in its fifth year. The Russian support for Eastern Ukrainian separatists, though deny any involvement in the war.