“Rheborg in the Russian drama – eruption on the Red square,”

“During the SVT-recording with Keyyo: ”Was skogstokig””

“Johan Rheborg wanted to take pictures of some Russian servicemen.”

“It ended in uproar at the Red square in Moscow. “

“– Our guide was absolutely skogstokig, ” says Johan Rheborg. “

“the Comedian Johan Rheborg had your camera in hand during the recording of their Youtube profile Kristina Petrushinas tv-series ”Keyyo with Rheborg in Russia.”

“On the Red square in Moscow created the problem. “

“When Rheborg tried to shoot a few officers in the service on the square there arose bitter mood. The militants themselves did not react – but Johan Rheborgs and Keyyos guide panicked because he thought that john did not respect them.”

“– You take for granted that you can shoot what you want, but then became our guide completely skogstokig. Hassan said nothing, but he. The respect for authority which is different than here. Where is it getting tough, I understand, ” he says. “

“Johan Rheborg refrained from saying received. “

“– Then I thought: maybe I’m not going to argue about it here on the right the Red square. Maybe I can make a fuss on the main square, Sergels torg, but not here.”

“No, but strange,” says Keyyo. “

“Johan Rheborg grew up in the 60’s when Sweden was characterised by a fear of Russia, its military power and that the russians would invade. “

“Keyyo, who was born in Omsk, but moved to Sweden eight-year-old, thinks that Johan was excessive nojig during the trip. “

“– You were rather a bit too överparanoid and whispered that there were people who stood and stared at us, ” she says.”

“In the ”Keyyo with Rheborg in Russia” takes Keyyo his idol Johan Rheborg to go by train through their country, and at the same time challenging Johans russophobic. The series premiered on BBC1 at 21.00 tonight. “