– Climate change is real and they are created by people. Now we should discuss how we can bring down emissions and reach the 1.5 degree target, rather than to spend more time on klimafornektere, says the Conservative climate policy spokesperson Stefan Heggelund to the Newspaper.

– the Grandchildren will not forgive us

He has taken place in the office of Lars Haltbrekken for a different Facebook-community. Together, the two political rivals to answer questions from those who might doubt the conclusions of the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change.

” We must respond properly to the arguments, but then it is enough. Then we need to use the time more constructively, ” he says.

Heggelund says he, so to speak, daily getting inquiries from klimafornektere.

– People that takes contact with a member of parliament, to be in rule to get the answer. But through this dugnaden so I think many will be able to find an answer to the questions. For there are many questions and objections that go again, ” he says.

Which question or objection you are most tired of?

– That it is solar activity and not CO2 emissions, which explains climate change or that it’s just natural cycles, ” says Heggelund.

In addition, there are several who claim that the temperature increase has taken a break. But it is only correct if you are measuring temperature near the ground, for the global mean temperature has increased, ” adds socialist left Lars Haltbrekken.


Haltbrekken and Heggelund has in Facebook-dugnaden teamed up with climate researcher Bjørn Samset at Cicero. That global warming stopped in 1998 and that the ipcc has been wrong in the projections, are among the questions Samset have to answer again and again.

This graph is very bad news

That climate change has not made any pause, it becomes very clear when we look at the measurements. In the last four years are the warmest ever measured, and at the same time rising sea ever faster and the ice melts, both in the interior, the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica. The IPCC argument voices rather not. It comes from some graphs that simply aren’t correct, but that has been much spread in social media, ” says Samset.

– Natural variability is always a factor, but for the last 50 years, it is so to say only our influence that has driven the extremely rapid climate change, ” he continues.

Are you tired of klimafornektere?

– I’m tired of the aggression. The questions we have to bear to answer as long as some have them, but personal attacks and accusations of dirty play takes us not forward. Fortunately, it becomes increasingly less of it, ” says Samset.

Lost time

Haltbrekken in SV says a lot of time is lost, since the first IPCC report in 1990.

Attenboroughs grim warning: – Civilization our can collapse the

Had we listened to the world’s foremost scientists and begun to cut emissions in 1990, instead of meeting it with the objection that this is not man made, so we had been well on the way to solve klimakrisa. We have lost much valuable time, ” he says.

Stefan Heggelund shows that 97 per cent of the leading and climate scientists agree that klimakrisa is man-made.

– do you Feel bad and you visit 100 doctors, so you listen to the 97 who agree that you are ill and need medicine, rather than the three that claim you are healthy, ” he says.

– Reject the Frp paradox

two years ago would more profiled Frp representatives like Carl I. Hagen, Åse Michaelsen, Christian Tybring-gjedde, Ulf Leirstein and Morten Wold change partiprogrammets formulations on climate change.

the proposed Revision was not adopted, but stated that climate change is caused by natural variability and not “the marginal emissions of greenhouse gases”.

Is it not a paradox that the Right cooperate with the progress party in government, when you say that you are tired of klimafornektere?

– No, because it is the government’s policy that applies. I’ve never been away in a conservative party that has denied climate change. The policy of the four non-socialist parties leading, is offensive and good. It is the most important thing, ” says Heggelund.