representatives of the district office of Neukölln, have asked for a daily mirror report on the youth and family centre in the Al-Nur mosque consequences. Because so far, the authorities have no insight into whether children and young people to be indoctrinated. “The district office has no way to get a glimpse of the Quran and language teaching, held in the Al-Nur-mosque – therefore, we can only speculate about what is happening there,” said neukölln district mayor Martin Hikel on Monday.

can Actually be in the youth and family centre children and young people without state supervision informed that, although the protection of the Constitution classifies the mosque Association as the Salafist meeting. The Association receives no state funding and is not an official carrier of the child and youth welfare. Therefore, the Senate has no control instruments. The authorities know, according to the Senate departments for home Affairs and education, not what is taught in the mosque in the classes for children and teenagers.

ban procedure four years ago

“I hope that the current proceedings of the Senate administration for internal Affairs for further insights and of course a positive result, that is to say a ban,” said Hikel. Neukölln’s Youth city Council Falko Liecke (CDU), described the Al-Nur mosque on Monday as a “Black Box”. He is the greatest of concerns“ to the club. “Nobody knows how children and young people be influenced”. Liecke accused the mosque Association, “antisocial and democracy conduct hazardous”. The Youth city Council called on the Senate to finally take action and ban. “Almost four years after the initiation of proceedings to ban the Senate has not taken any measures, to the glorification of violence and contempt for women in the mosque,” said Liecke. “During the week probably hundreds of children are being indoctrinated. In the middle of our city so the next Generation of Salafists could be formed.“

The Senate interior administration did not want to speak closer to the operations. She had declared to a parliamentary question of the SPD-politician Tom Schreiber, that the authority is virtually unaware of what is happening with the children and young people in the mosque. Ex-Senator for the interior Frank Henkel (CDU) had initiated four years ago, the prohibition proceedings against the mosque Association “of the Islamic community of Berlin”. Also the status of the prohibition proceedings, it was said of the internal administration on Monday: no comment.

daily mirror people

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proposal order, non-profit withdraw

in addition to a ban could be known to the club’s charitable status, however, said the Youth city Council Liecke. He speculated, may be intelligence reasons” for a ban on the procedure could be opposed to”, because the protection of the Constitution in the event of a closure of the mosque or of relocation of structures, new additions in the Salafist scene would have to tap. “The ban would be an important sign,” said Liecke. “Finally, members of the in Parts of the organised crime associated with family, clan Abou-Chaker a go in the mosque. Liecke Is recalled that, in addition to the Al-Nur mosque, as well as the protection of the Constitution has observed-As – Salam mosque in Neukölln courses for children and young people have to offer. The district office had already indicated in April 2018.

the district mayor Hikel also wants to reach with the district Offered the children and young people and their parents. The schools, the neighbourhood management, the neighbourhood mothers, as well as the children’s and youth leisure facilities worked. “I want the state makes a more compelling offer than a Salafist club,” said Hikel. The city Council Liecke recalled that, in addition to the Al-Nur mosque in the protection of the Constitution Is observed-As-Salam mosque in Neukölln, offering courses for children and young people.

“Of Salafist-dominated institution”

Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the police Union (GdP), said Salafist youth work without the control must be to think the responsible politicians. “It may not be that we have to accept radicalisation in mosques and don’t know who’s talking with whom about what content is,” said Jendro. The Al-Nur mosque, according to internal administration of a “Salafist-dominated institution”. The Board of Directors and the main actors there were to be allocated to the “political Salafism”, it is according to the Constitution, protection to a against the free democratic basic order directed extremist ideology.

More about

radical Muslims in Berlin, the Senate declared it had no control over the Salafist youth work

Alexander Fröhlich, Susanne Vieth-Entus

Astrid Sabine buses that head to the neighboring neukölln primary school, that about a third of its 650 students go on the weekend for lessons in the youth and family centre of the mosque. The impact on the teaching in the elementary school. Buses called for a state-controlled religious education in Germany, trained teachers. The Cornelia Seibeld, integration policy spokesperson of the CDU parliamentary group in the house of representatives. If sufficient evidence were available, had to be prohibited, the Association, otherwise the isolated teaching is difficult to. The Problem is not limited only to the Al-Nur mosque, but fundamentally. In case of doubt, the police and other state funds are required. But also the only be short-term solutions, the Imam and the children.