The crisis in the Swedish Academy+ FÖLJSara Danius will take place at the honnörsbordetNYHETER

Princess Madeleine of sweden and Chris O’neill will not – but it makes Sara Danius.

She sits both on the podium in the Concert hall and at the honnörsbordet at the nobel Banquet in the Blue Hall.

But not for the Swedish Academy this year, but as a member of the nobel Foundation’s board of directors.

the Theme for this year’s nobel prize festival is – mod.

How the fantasifulle celebrity chef Tom Sjöstedt and the like driven konditorn, Daniel Roos, to interpret it, we must not know until it is time.

But the creativity is usually there to be a lack of, the classic setting for the despite.

One who, admittedly, has shown courage during the year is the Swedish Academy, former permanent secretary, Sara Danius.

She was forced to leave his post in the turbulence in and around the Academy associated with the now våldtäktsdömde Jean-Claude Arnault.

1 of 2 | Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT / TT NEWS agency

Sara Danius has still left his chair, the chair number seven, but chose when she resigned as permanent secretary, to no longer participate in the Academy’s work.

But the place at the honnörsbordet in the Blue Hall, she has yet again this year – though not as a representative of the Swedish Academy.

It is not the reason why she sits there.

She sits there, on the spot 35, with the financier Peter ”Poker” Wallenberg to the table, as she is still a member of the nobel Foundation’s board of directors.

It was her last year also.

the Members are elected for two years, and Sara Danius has still six months to go.

It is also the same reason she is as usual – as if nothing has happened – will appear on the podium at the Stockholm concert hall during the award ceremony in the afternoon.

And be seen she usually do.

Her dresses tend to attract attention.

No price in the year

the Swedish Academy is, all the prize-awarding institutions, as usual, invited to the nobel day, even if nothing’s nobel Prize in literature is awarded this year.

– They are invited, but ago to determine the Swedish Academy for themselves what and how many goes. It is up to the Academy and the individual decisions of the judgment”, says Mikael Östlund, press officer at the Nobel foundation.

But on the podium in the Concert hall, they may not sit.

Except Anders Olsson, the Swedish Academy, the current permanent secretary.

He may sit there, as an adjunct member of the nobel Foundation’s board of directors.

But he will not be at the party.

he has already declared.

– No, we are not a prize awarding assembly, we will be reclusive, he has previously said.

He opens, however, that individual members might choose to go.

Akademiledamoten Per Wästberg has in Aftonbladet already talked about the fact that he will not this year.

– Some go there for the fun of it, but I go there to support and pay tribute to the laureate in literature. Is not he or she as it may be, ” he said last week.

Princess miss dinner

How Horace Engdahl choose to do remains to be seen.

But we’ll probably not see him, and Sara Danius together on the dance floor.

the Odds of it are probably very high.

Princess Madeleine of sweden is the only one in the royal family who will not.

She has chosen to abstain in the year and stays home with the kids in Florida, where they live right now.

She will come home to Sweden in connection with that her mother, queen Silvia of sweden, celebrates 75 years on the day before christmas eve.

Why is the Blue hall not blue 00:32KERSTIN NILSSONARTIKELN IS OMKrisen in Tipobet the Swedish Academy+ FÖLJSvenska Academy+ FÖLJNobelpriset in the literature+ FÖLJNobelfesten+ FÖLJNobelstiftelsen+ FÖLJSara Danius+ FÖLJPrinsessan Madeleine+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ13 november NYHETERIngen party for the Swedish Akademien11 October NYHETERNya remarkable tours in Swedish Akademien4 december NYHETERDärför world, he Nobelfesten19 november NYHETERNytt bunch shall appoint nobel Laureate in litteratur4 december NYHETEREngdahl of the Swedish Academy: Men may fit better