Donald Trump proposed yesterday its new budget proposal for 2020. And a quick look at the budget and savings plans, quickly makes clear where the priorities of the American president. Spoiler: not in education, climate or health.

Where the American president Trump would like some more money to spend, is not a state secret. Since he is already several months of struggling with the U.s. House to the (generous) funding of a limes wall between Mexico and the US voted to get, it is no wonder that Trump in his droombegroting extra money frees up for defense and homeland security. “A budget for a better America: Promises kept. Taxpayers first”: so called Trump the document in which he presents his new budget proposes. the

For the U.s. department of Homeland Security is there but just 51.7 billion dollars (46 billion euro) cleared, that is 3.6 billion dollars (3 billion euro) on top of the budget of this year. Obviously, there is a portion ($8.6 billion, or 7.7 billion euro) directly to Trumps limes wall.

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In total, the U.s. Department of Defense a bonus of $ 33 billion (30 billion euros). That would be a picture of 718 billion (636 billion) yield, since there are already 685 billion (606 billion) is allocated for defence.

The creation of an American ruimtemacht’ would already be a large part of the planned budget to absorb the. In addition, soldiers of a loonopslag of 3.1 per cent, enjoy, and would be invested in artificial intelligence.

public Health

of Course, there must also somewhere be saved. And that does Trump, among others, by the budget for the U.s. health limits. If the Trump is located, does that region with 12.4 billion dollars (11 billion euros) less in 2020. And especially the weak, there will be the effects of wear. The president wants to, for example, with ten percent savings on Medicare, a federal government program that the health insurance of older Americans.

on the Other hand, wants the U.s. president, however, release more money for the fight against HIV. And so it would be a pretty large part of the health budget (291 million dollars or 258 million euros) will go directly to prevention and research into the virus responsible for aids.

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