the Body of a big hvidhaj has been found floating in a large tank of formaldehyde in a spooky abandoned wildlife park in Victoria, Australia.

The dilapidated buildings in the surviving wildlife park by the town of Bass in eastern Victoria is filled with garbage, broken furniture, husked wallpaper and smashed windows.

But inside in a very dark shed at the zoo found some young people, including Luke McPherson, the dead five metres long hvidhaj, who was floating in a greenish fluid consisting of, among other things formaldehyde, a chemical substance, among other things, used to preserve dead bodies.

Luke McPherson filmed the scary shark and the dilapidated mysterious place. He laid subsequently, a 30 minutes long video on YouTube, which so far has been seen by more than 9.5 million people.

It writes several australian media including the, and The Epoch Times, as well as the media Vice

It turns out that the mysterious shark was already found dead in the net with some tuna-fishermen way back in 1989 and later transported to the tank in the zoo, which was then known as the ‘Wildlife Wonderland’.

the Zoo was according to the media closed in 2012 by the environmental authorities in Australia because of various violations in connection with the keeping of wild animals, as well as a lack of permission to exhibit the australian animals to the public.

the Owner left his wildlife park, and left all the animals to dyreværnsforeningen RSPCA and the environmental authorities. But there was never found a new place for the dead shark.

Inside in the abandoned wildlife park was the young people met by the dark eerie room. Photo: Lukie MC/YouTube

When Luke Mcpherson first walked into the zoo, he was greeted by an unbearable stench of dyrelort. And together with his friends he got a shock, when he spotted the mysterious dead shark that floated around in the green liquid.

‘Hold when completely shut up. Can you see it?’, says one of them.

And another answer: ‘It is really creepy’.

Luke McPherson and his friends found the clothes in big piles, a tv set, family photos and various dilapidated furniture. In the fridge there was even food. The young people saw it as a sign that the abandoned animal park in between was the dwelling place for the homeless.

Here is a section of the destroyed and abandoned wildlife park. Photo: Lukie MC/YouTube

On a table there was left a large stack of family photos. Photo: Lukie MC/YouTube

Outdoor looks like the abandoned wildlife park is also something which the cat has played with. (Photo: Lukie MC/YouTube)

in Several places there were signs that the abandoned animal park had been used as housing for the homeless. Photo: Lukie MC/YouTube