Henry Sulger the three large earthenware cups on the table and asks: “do you Want to coffee of sugar? Or Milk? But surely a drink?” It is half past ten in the morning, in the room of the 95-year-old farmer in Schwamendingen, the time seems to stand still. Only one points to the present time: the telephone Display. In one corner, a huge stove, which supplies in Winter the whole house with a comforting warmth, is perched in the second, a built-in Buffet made from old times. And we are sitting in the third corner, at the table and drink the coffee, which is mixed with the instant powder. Without The Booze.

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Council President Heinz shaded (SVP), the live in schwamendingen, took the journalists on a walk through the neighborhood, First to his well-Known Heiri. Sulgers house to the cottage head road is located half-way up to the Restaurant Ziegelhütte, the only Locally in the neighborhood, which is also the trend-conscious people of Zurich in the city center is a term. The farmhouse stands in a fantastic location: unobstructed in the middle of the Green. With a view down to the level that is today built.

We see, for example, the waste-to-energy plant Hagen wood. The Land originally belonged to the family Sulger. Father Sulger sold it in 1938 to the city. Son of Heinrich recalls: “one day came in a crook of the city, a doctor of law. with a pince-nez on the nose – they had to be careful of what you said.” The have spoken of Expropriation. Of forced expropriation so. His father sold finally – for 1.50 francs the square metre. The money for the good piece of farming country, he put in his first “Traktörli”. The Work became at least a little easier.

From 3000 to 35’000 people

Henry Sulger and his family, families in the district are representative of many farmers. The Sulgers are not in any case become through land sales Empire. However, in this time, so in the middle of the last century, began the first great Boom in Schwamendingen. Until 1966, the number of 3000 inhabitants exploded inside, and for a population of 35’000. In this time, mainly two types of buildings emerged: on The one buildings, cooperatives, houses with 8,000 apartments – about schwamendingen is also called the headquarters of the cooperatives.

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but on The other, and wants to show shaded his guest in schwamendingen, because the little is known, created Private, but dozens of single-family homes. SVP-parliamentarian and currently the highest political Zürcher leads him into the territory of the Eichacker. What is immediately evident: Many of the decades-old terraced houses are renovated, they have new, large glass doors into the garden, a gazebo or a cultivation. In front of the houses, different hedges with wooden fences or wrought bars from iron. Also the gardens are personally designed. In contrast to the cooperative settlements: there, everything is uniform. Very uniform and even.

Schwamendingen has remained for a long time, what it was for years: a city of Zurich’s Quartier with a village character. But now, again a change. The ZVV has closed, for example, the Ticketeria on the sponge thing square, the circle office is located in Oerlikon. Such developments schwam things of concern. District Association President Maya Burri fears that the Post office would ever close. “We are losing the public Service in our center.” Thus, she is afraid of the encounter space to be lost on the court. It is not the only Problem that could LOB a Zwingli, a hat, as she says. It also Südstarts threaten the Südanflügen in the morning and in the evening, during the day.

56% growth

in Addition will change the village-like district in the next few years, says Burri. Because Schwamendingen a development area is a large part of the predicted population growth will be absorbed in the Canton. Alone the sponge things Quartier Hirzenbach is expected to grow by 2030 by 56 percent to 18’600 inhabitants. The leader of the cooperatives can be expected to be, have already replaced a part of their ancient houses. Burri-and-white, here there will be losers. “Even if the new apartments are comparatively cheap, some people will not be able to afford it.”

free space

save A other fear, Michael Eidenbenz, who lives since 13 years in schwamendingen and in Association and cultural life, committed has. The architect and lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, loves the neighborhood because of its unplanned and uncontrolled areas between the houses and settlements. “The social quality of this somewhat arbitrary-seeming spaces, we have to save, because they enable the encounter and exchange between people,” he says.

The municipal master plan, wants to control the urban development, was a response to the expected population growth of the entire city, says Eidenbenz. The compression should happen in Neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the city, was probably due to the principle of least resistance. He is of the view that not all the buildings are to be demolished and re-created. “We need to find a Balance. And maybe a little tinkering.”

prices have also risen in private real estate. Heinz shading shows the Eichacker a double-sided grown, smaller detached house for 1.3 million Swiss francs at the sale – a steep price.

Created: 30.10.2019, 20:15 Uhr