“SD’s goal – to change EUROPE foundation”

“the sweden democrats’ aim is to change the EU fundamentally after the elections in may.”

“When the party presented their toppkandidater was current member of parliament Kristina Winberg, not with.”

“In her place stepped Charlie Weimers check – who recently was recruited from the Christian democrats. “

“The sweden democrats today presented their top names, before the EUROPEAN elections in may. The party today has two mandates, and the goal is to get at least three this time.”

“the List is topped by the party’s current mep Peter Lundgren. As the runner-up is Jessica Stegrud, an economist who has been active in SD in the past. She joined the party as late as yesterday, and want to, above all, push issues of freedom of expression.”

“The third name is Charlie Weimers, who was recruited from the Christian democrats last fall. He, as former chairman of the KDU, has previously worked for the EU parliamentarian Lars Adaktusson (KD).”

“SD’s other representative in the EUROPEAN parliament Kristina Winberg, come first on the place four and not currently in the party’s press briefing. “

“Peter Lundgren stated that the SD hope that the EUROPEAN elections will change the union fundamentally.”

“– You should vote for us if you do not want more power transferred to Brussels, if you want to take back a little power. And for that you don’t want to spend 15 billion more in dues per year, ” he says.”

“– And then I am flattered that the other parties want to run a campaign against us. “

“Together with his group, the ECR, European conservatives and reformists Group, hope SD build new alliances in Brussels and trying to challenge the social democrats and christian democrats on the right.”

“– The EU-critical and conservative parties across Europe are growing fiercely in the polls. It will be a big and dramatic change on how the EU will look like after the election, ” says Lundgren.”

“No exit in the near future.”

“SD recently announced that the parity does not intend to pursue the question of a Swedish EU-exit in the election campaign. The new line has, according to Jimmie Åkesson a wide support in the party. “

” I see no prospect to get through an exit in the near future in the Swedish parliament. But as much as a third of the EU-parliament and its members can be our approach to how we work together in the EU in the future, “says Åkesson, and continues:”

” We are very critical of the EUROPEAN union, but we also understand the value of free trade. We have been good at talking about the bad with the EU, we must become better at talking about it, which is good. “