three years ago issued the immigration and integration minister Inger Støjberg (V) an instruction that all of the pairs in the Danish asylum centers – where one of the parties was under the age of 18 years – should be separated.

It was an illegal instruction, the ombudsman has since found.

And then has the minister explained to the Parliament and the public – among other things-has it occurred, to Inger Støjberg in his time stated that the instruction should be taken with reservations.

But according to the newspaper Information wounds a previously kept secret mailudveksling now serious doubt on the correctness of Inger Støjbergs explanation.

Centrally located in Inger Støjbergs previous explanation is an assertion that the Udlændingestyrelsens then the director in connection with the broadcast of the illegal instruction was informed that his administration would take it with a certain reservation.

But now it turns out that styrelsesdirektøren in an email at the time gave the impression that he had understood the minister quite different.

Inger Støjberg issued the instruction to the 10. February 2016.

the Same day – shortly before the broadcast of the instruction – kept Inger Støjberg a meeting in his ministry. According to the minister underlined she and her ministry at this meeting the following to the immigration office:

In some cases, it will “should be the exception to the indkvarteringsinstruksens starting point” of the separation of asylpar.

so far is for the public unknown mailudveksling, as Information has come in possession of the account, however, a significantly different picture.

The crucial mail is sent by the then director of the immigration office Henrik Grunnet at 13.45 on the day of the broadcast of the instruction.

It is a response to a press officer, who had previously sent him and three other senior officials an email and in the subject line, had stated: “NO barnebrude may live with spouse”.

In the email itself had pressemedarbejderen written:

– UIBM (Aliens, the forces of Integration and the ministry of housing, ed.) has announced that the minister goes out at. 14.30 in a press release and statement on the so-called barnebrude. The message is after it indicated that no minors under the age of 18 must live with their spouse.

Henrik Grunnet, said:

– Yes. The meeting I was in the ministry left no doubt about her attitude to the case – regardless of the Uncrc, when a couple has a common child.

the Ombudsman found that the instruction was “illegal” because it was “undtagelsesfri”.

Rules in this area say, that there must be an individual assessment of each couple and thus one can not give a general instruction.

the Uncrc is just one of the legal hurdles for couples with children, without exception, could be separated.