2. July 2018 six-year-old Alesha MacPhail found killed in an abandoned hotel near where she lived.
She was on a visit with her father and grandparents on the island of Bute in Scotland when she suddenly disappeared.
– Sent a video of themselves
A 16-year-old boy met this week in court. He is accused of having kidnapped, raped and killed her.
Friday testified a friend of the defendant in court.
She told him, according to Sky News, that the defendant sent a video of himself to a vennegruppe of 25 pieces on Snapchat the same day as seksåringen was found killed.
In the video it said: “found the man who has done it.”
He shall, however, have only shown the upper body and not their face in the video.
FOUND DPEPT: Seksåringen was found killed in an abandoned hotel the day after she disappeared. Photo: Pa Photos / Jane Barlow Show more – A bad joke
Further told the girl right about how the same Snapchat-group was also used to discuss what could have happened with seksåringen both before and after she was found killed.
the Group should have discussed theories and shared rumors about what could have happened to her. Among the participants was also the defendant himself.
He should have asked “how MacPhail could have gotten out of the house without anyone hearing anything.”
the Witness told in court that she signed from about the video and calls as soon as she found out that the boy had been arrested.
There and then I looked at the video as a joke. A bad joke, but a joke, she said.
On the question from the family’s lawyer if she had still found the video to the defendant as “a bad joke” about the man had not been arrested, she replied “yes.”
DANGER: Robert MacPhail, the father of Alesha MacPhail outside court this week. Photo: Pa Photos / Andrew Milligan Show more “Most likely came to kill a day”
In addition to the girl testified four other friends of the defendant Friday. They should all have told the court about his behavior in the days before the murder.
another witness told that she had received notification of the defendant some timner after seksåringen was found killed, enter the channel.
the Defendant asked her if she had seen anything suspicious “since she went walking with the dog every morning about where seksåringen was found killed.”
the Witness told me that she felt that “the defendant began to get anxious, and that he said that the police came to put the blame on him.”
She also showed the court the other messages she has received from the defendant. On one of them it should have been that he “most likely got to kill a day in order to get life experience.”
Reported missing
Seksåringen was last seen by family at 23 the 1. July.
About seven hours later, she was reported missing by his grandmother. A few hours later she was found dead at an abandoned hotel in the vicinity of his house.
According to the indictment, she was kidnapped, raped and then killed.
The defendant 16-year-old refuses straffskyld.
On the inside of the “helveteshuset”