A 25-year-old man is sentenced to eleven years in custody for the shooting outside the nightspot Blue in Oslo, norway, reports NRK. The man is also ordered to pay just under 600 000 in damages and compensation to the victims.

It was the night of Sunday 9th. July 2017 that 25-year-old fractured a number of shots against total of seven people at the entrance to the popular concert and skjenkestedet by the aker river in central Oslo.

25-year-old used, according to the indictment a semi-automatic 45-kalibret gun of the type Norinco NP30 during the shooting.

In a moment I had the ball in hand

According to the indictment fired the man three shots against each of the seven victims. The three of them were not hit by the shots, one was hit by streifskudd, while the other three survived either because the shots they were hit by was not lethal, or because they came under fast medical treatment.

the Police lit a short time after the incident that the man fired the shots because he was denied entry to the nightspot. 25-year-old was apprehended while he was on his way away from the nightspot.

Denied for attempted murder

the Man also has even in the interrogation confirmed that he fired the shots in anger over the fact that he was refused entry. In an interview with NRK in connection with the trial claimed the man that he had not intended to kill anyone, and that he only wanted to scare.

– I felt treated unfairly by the guards of the Blue and was very angry. But I’d just gone home. I regret of course that I shot. The shots have destroyed much, ” he told NRK earlier this month. The newspaper comes back with more.

the Bouncers at the Blue deserves a hug Debate

the 25-year-old, from before, has a long record, was arrested by heavily armed police shortly after the shooting.

According to the indictment of 25-year-old has been violent towards, and threatened both politibetjenter, fengselsbetjenter and fellow prisoners. It is the background that the public prosecutor has made the reservation to add a claim for custody.

Man, that is linked to the other well known criminal figures in the capital city, is also well known to police from previous relationships.

Dagbladet has previously written about man’s place with a central figure in the gjengmiljøet in the capital, and that the police were particularly interested in the role of the husband in this gjengmiljøet.

BLUE-CHARGED: The defendant after the shooting on the evening venue Blå in Oslo on the night of Sunday to be the person who gets struck with the plank in this video. A person from the Blitz-the environment in Oslo and two other men were knivskadet and sent to the hospital after a knivslagsmål the outside and inside of the Blitz-house in Oslo, the 6. september 2013. Video: Private Show more Knivstakk blitzer

In 2013, the man was sentenced for a stabbing outside Blitzhuset in Oslo.

It was on the afternoon of Friday 6. september 2013 that the man, who at the time was 20 years old, and a buddy stood up in front of a group blitzere outside Blitzhuset in Pilestredet.

the 24-year-old claimed in court that he “felt that blitzerne so ugly on them”. He and his friend, therefore, should have begun to laugh out loud of the blitzerne in an attempt to terge them.

2013: Here Blue-the shooter ass after having shown the nazi greeting and stabbed blitzer

According to the judgment made 24-year-old and his buddy nazihilsener, shouted “sieg heil” and called blitzerne for landssvikere, which led to a huge brawl.

In the judgement of the Oslo district court stated that the 24-year-old and his buddy drew out his knife as they crossed the street and walked toward the blitzerne. A young man who found himself on the inside of Blitzhuset, ran out to see what was going on. The 24-year-old came toward him and stabbed the young man repeatedly with a knife. Both fornærmedes and 24-åringens DNA was later found on the knife, which was around 30 centimetres long.

After knivstikkingen was the full chaos, then people associated with Blitz-the environment went to the counter with the chairs and boards.

“don’t let them get away with it here!” and “The knivstakk my mate!” announced it in the video, which also shows how the Blue-the shooter and his buddy are beaten with planks.

Man accused of several attempted murders in Oslo run the risk of detention

the Court found it “proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the blitzerne first used the chairs to beat the defendant (the 24-year-old, red.anm.) and the friend, after the defendant had taken up the knife”.

Both the 24-year-old, who Sunday was charged with skyteepisoden outside of the Blue, and the medtiltalte his friend, caused major damage in the counterattack.

Police declined at the time that the men belonged to a høyreekstremt environment.

Convicted of a variety of conditions

the Man is also previously convicted for inter alia the purchase, possession and use of firearms without permission, as well as violence and threats against the police.

12. april 2013, and he threw an iron bar against a male commissioner when the latter came to apprehend him in Oslo.

Furthermore, he threw a vacuum cleaner against the commissioner N. N., commissioner N. N. and commissioner N. N.” He hit one of politibetjentene in the leg with one of the objects, and beat on with a støvsugerrør against two of the other, is called it in one of the judgments against the man.

the Judgments against the young man extends back as far as 2009, when he as a 15-year-old was sentenced for theft, threats against public officials, threats against a police officer and several other conditions.

In 2015, shot the man to the left against the nightspot Da Vinci in Oslo. Sunday shot the man to the right four people at the Blue. Here posing together