“Seven killed in attack in northern Syria”

“the Jihadists are suspected to be behind an attack in which seven members of the US-backed kurdiskarabiska militia, state defense forces were killed in the city Prisoners in northern Syria. It was around midnight that unknown perpetrators opened fire on a post at the entrance to the town and killed seven, according to the SDF.”

“SDF defeated member IS at the town of al-Baghuz in the days and the ICE has taken on the attack of the Prisoners. The group’s recurrent statements that stand behind the various attacks are difficult to control.”

“But Sherfan Darwish, spokesperson for the SDF-connected military advice which now governs Prisoners, believe that ICE can stay behind.”

“– After the victory over the ICE, we have entered a new phase with the sleeping cells. These sleeping cells become activated and carry out attacks, but we will thwart their operations, ” he says.”