“Seven young women in custody for arson and assault,”

“the Police have seized parts of a criminal network in Linköping and the seven young women are in custody suspected of a range of serious crimes.”

“Four of them were arrested right when they showed up to support their friend who requested custody.”

“– It is criminal young people who know each other, more or less, says inspector Raimo Strandgård.”

“During the christmas holidays, the police have frihetsberövat seven young women suspected of everything from arson to assault.”

“The first woman, a 25-year-old, was arrested december 19 last year. A little more than a week later it was time for the next – a 21-year-old woman on probable cause suspected of arson 14 september last year.”

“On the other häktningsförhandlingen popped a couple of female friends up in court to support the 21-year-old. Police investigators recognize four of them, and the women arrested. “

“Shortly afterwards came the seventh, and last, woman to the police station and handed over himself.”

“suspicion of fire in a terraced house.”

“Now, they are seven women who are between the ages of 18 to 25 years in custody. The police are talking about a network. “

“– It is criminal young people who know each other, more or less, says inspector Raimo Strandgård.”

“Among the offences are assault and abuse in a court of law on several occasions. Four of the women are also suspected of aggravated arson.”

“It was on Friday 14 september as it began to burn in a townhouse in the area of Ekholmen in Linköping. A sofa in the downstairs was completely in flames, but the emergency services were quickly on the spot and was able to prevent the flames spread to the rest of the house, reported Corren in september.”

“What binds the women to the crime, he does not want to comment on. “

“We have good evidence,” says Raimo Strandgård.”

“in the Past, almost all of the women convicted for various crimes such as assault, drug offences and theft. One of the women have been detained for involvement in an assassination attempt, but the investigation was shut down. “

“More suspicions of crimes”

“the police are the arrests a significant step in the effort to solve up the criminal network. “

“– It will become more suspicions of crimes, and at other times too. There are seven people detained right now, there may be no people, ” says Raimo Strandgård.”

“do you Need any special tips from the public?”

“No, not really, we have everything we need,” says Raimo Strandgård.”

“All the detained women deny the crime.”