If Zuzana Caputova today elected President of Slovakia, will celebrate its supporters as a victory of decency. The 45-year-old lawyer has become within a few weeks to a bearer of hope. As a “miracle” is referred to, even. The politically inexperienced Caputova would be the first woman in this office and is considered to be representative of a new Generation: she’s too young to have to still look for a membership in the Communist party justify.

The liberal, Pro-European candidate stands for a break with the corrupt political Elite based their Power on the privileges from the time of socialism. And it stands for a counter-model to the ruling party Smer SD. This maintains a lot of close contacts to the businessman Marian Kocner, who is accused of the murder of the journalist, Jan Kuciak in the order given. Kuciak and his fiancée were shot and killed in February 2018. Protests against the government, which had already spread to mass demonstrations.

The new political Star has not fallen from the sky. Caputova is Co-Chairman of the 2017 based movement Progressive Slovakia. Known due to their fight against a hazardous waste dump in her hometown of Pezinok. 2016 you received in San Francisco the Goldman environmental prize.

you showed neither Fatigue nor excitement

As a lawyer, she is an advocate for socially disadvantaged and minorities. With the Association Via Iuris, she fought for an adequate prosecution of Ex-Premier Vladimir Meciar. In the first round of voting Caputova has already received 40,57 percent of the vote. She won in the cities and in the country. In the run-off election occurs against the Vice-President of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic,. With 18,66 percent of the vote share he had in the first ballot, however, is far.

Quiet and friendly Caputova occurred in the night after the first ballot in front of the cameras. Showed neither Fatigue nor excitement or Triumph. The life partner of the ex-presidential candidate was clearly agitated. Caputova had in the election campaign, often family members accompany, for example, from one of their two Teenage daughters. With their direct and honest, very deliberate manner, she had won the round and round of the Candidates matches. With Arguments. Never with attacks on others. “I stand for change,” says Caputova, the Barack Obama and Vaclav Havel announced as role models. A new, decent politics could also help the migration to stop, she hopes. About a Million Slovaks living abroad – for a population of just under five and a half million.

accusations instead of ideas

your counterparty Sefcovic on fell through opinion exchange and failed in the attempt, to Shine with accusations instead of ideas. The 53-Year-old is like Caputova a lawyer and friend of Europe, and has, since he lives for years in Brussels, to do with the Affairs at home little. But he let himself as the candidate of the ruling party Smer SD. What is the Smer SD, used hardly, Sefcovic has harmed. Caputova, however, it cost in the conservative, Catholic Slovakia does not even agree that it is in favour of a right of adoption for same-sex couples. Even the Hungarian minority was able to win.

Caputova seems to be at the right time in the right place. Looking rather enviously in the neighbouring country of the Czech Republic on the brother state, where decency and Charisma of a presidential candidate to win could help. To the chagrin of the political elites in Slovakia, in the meantime, a far greater extent than in the Czech Republic, where a year ago, the EU-critical President Milos Zeman were re-elected. In Slovakia Caputova could make now more than 60 percent of the vote. That would be a reboot.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 22:39 PM