It is not not entirely bad to be a world-renowned model and be married to one of AMERICA’s most famous singers. At least not when one’s name is Chrissy Teigen and both the wallet and the mood is in order.

She is known not to be pale, to take the piss out of herself and her husband, John Legend, even though they are one of the world’s very most well-known couple, so wrong with the humour, nothing.

The american model can also talk freely about using the toilet. And such a situation may occur in time and early. It did it in any case for the beautiful model, while she stood in the middle of Barney’s (a department store, ed.).

What do you do then?

If you are an ordinary citizen, if you ask an employee, as there is a kundetoilet, but if you’re a superstar, then there is a different practice. You buy an expensive designer bag, in order to have the good conscience to ask about the toilet. It did Chrissy Teigen in any case.

the Bag she bought is from the brand Celine, if the bags run up a total of 2000 dollars to over 20,000 dollars. What is the price range the model was out in the report the story nothing about.

This confirms she is on Twitter. In the context of a cookbook, the star has released, she wrote on the social media that a recipe was inspired by a dish she had eaten in the very same department store. This led to another Twitter user’s comment about toiletbesøget.

In the advertisement says:

‘I once saw you in Barneys where you bought a Céline bag, so you had a bad conscience over to ask to borrow the restroom. I knew I loved you before it, but it upheld it.’

To this corresponds the humorous model:

‘Wow, all that know me, know that this is very true and all too often’