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A fire in a furniture factory at the Vesterballe in Fredericia got previous Sydøstjyllands Police to issue a sirenevarsel over parts of the Town. Sirenevarslet is 12.30 been called off.

In the burning building holding trævirksomheden GH Wood, write Fredericia Dagblad. Also the company Car Next, selling used cars, housed in the newly constructed building.

Close to the burning furniture factory is a residential area, where there is also disabled-friendly accommodation. Early Wednesday morning was the residents in the area were evacuated.

– even Though that sirenevarslet of Fredericia is called off, residents can not go home, since there is still smoke from the fire in their area, inform vagtchefen by Sydøstjyllands Police, Paul Lindhardt, to Ekstra Bladet.

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Jørn Lindhardt has disclosed to the news agency Ritzau, that immediately are no residents who have come to harm. According to vagtchefen, so have brandvæsnets indsatsleder got it bad and is brought to the hospital.

How bad it is with the effort the leader is not yet known.