“So is the situation in Venezuela,”

“the Venezuelan economy has been run in the bottom and millions of people have fled. The country has in a short time gone from being one of the region’s richest countries to being one of the poorest.”

“Here is a brief background to the situation in the Latin american country right now.”

“What has led to the political crisis that Venezuela is in?”

” The economic situation is so serious that people do not have the energy anymore. It has been several years and you thought you had reached the bottom, but it continues to deteriorate, ” says Edmé Dominguez, peace and konfliktforskare at Gothenburg university.”

“– Hugo Chávez, the former president of Venezuela, was a populist leader, but a fairly popular president, who supported several reforms which tried to help the poor. During his time it became so big changes that he retained wide support among the population, especially lower middle class and working class. But already during his time, there was extensive corruption, but we didn’t know much about then.”

“– Maduro does not have the same prestige and clearly no capacity to manage the economy, plus the economic reforms needed to reduce corruption and improve the efficiency of the production of oil was not carried out. The oil industry has instead been run in the bottom of the sea.

“What has it got for the consequences?”

“– in Order to survive has Venezuela indebted themselves more vis-à-vis China and Russia. People, mainly the poor, have difficulties to survive. The country is perceived to be in a war even though there is no war. The crime rate has increased enormously, and Venezuela is one of the world’s most dangerous countries, and you see no hope.”

” the Crisis has made the migration from Venezuela to other countries in Latin america has increased enormously, especially in the last two years. Migration is a reason that other governments in Latin america to react against Maduro, because he refused to recognise the emergency situation, if there are, say, Edmé Dominguez.”

“Why have the opposition politician Juan Guaidó named himself interim president right now?”

“– this was his only opportunity to challenge Maduro. The national assembly dominated by the opposition has been fragmented so far, but now takes the opportunity to do this. It is important to do it now because the situation is so tense with the international press from all possible directions in Latin america, but also from the united states. It was a kind of ”

“Why does Juan Guaidó such strong support internationally?”

“– It could have been anyone who had taken the same position. The position he holds in the national assembly makes him legitimate. He represents the great discontent, but the problem is that he is still not so large among the army support Maduro. But there are groups within the army, and the loyal support groups which reacted against the Maduro due to the economic situation. I think that it is the beginning of the end, but we do not know when it will come to an end.”

“– Guaidó represent any kind of unified opposition, but, he is lost then it will be difficult.”

“What support have Maduro in Venezuela? And how will he act?”

“– Maduro still has the support, in particular from the army, but the aid I think is starting to crack. It may take time, but it will be done on the basis of the ekominska the situation. It is the most important factor.”

“– Maduro will try to ensure continued support and make concessions to the army. He can try to neutralize the Gauidó, but it would be risky to make him disappear.”

“How is the economic situation in Venezuela?”